bonus chapter

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—[ takes place when belle & chris are still in school ]

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[ takes place when belle & chris
are still in school ]

belle's hand was in chris' as she anxiously waited for the film festival to start. all of her friends were in the 2nd and 3rd row of the small theater to support isaac and cassie.

suddenly the curtains of the stage opened introducing cassie. cassie nervously walked onto as belle instantly stood from the crowd and started clapping and yelling words of encouragement.

cassie laughed seeing as the girl was the only person making a noise in the crowd. chris pulled her down into her seat as he tried to control his laughter.

"hello! my name is cassie wilson and i am proudly introducing this years top favorite films. hope you enjoy!" she said before walking off stage. suddenly multiple small clips off films started playing of random people.

when isaac's film was played everyone stood up, screamed, and clapped for him causing the other audience memebers to laugh. then, the actually full films started playing.

some being funny, some being sad, some being controversial except for isaac's who stayed in between all of that.

isaac's film was about real life people he met but instead of them being people they were animals. belle laughed as isaac talked about his first time meeting a wolf called elle and his first time meeting a lion named classy. then he explained the their life and how their life's had been before and after they met each other.

when the film was done belle was the first one standing and clapping, followed by the rest of the audience members.

later after every film was done cassie came back on stage to present the winner. "this years winner, chose by the judges," cassie said as she gestured towards the judges panel.

"is, isaac larsen!" she screeched before jumping up and down and running towards the boy. isaac's mouth was agape as he hugged cassie back.

belle quickly stood and excitingly clapped in her seat as the rest of her friends did too. "you're doing great sweetie!" belle screamed as she waved to the pair of teens.

"okay, okay. congratulations to isaac larsen." a new judge said as he walked up the stage steps. he quickly gave isaac his award before directing everyone off the stage. "now we have come to our last event of the night which is the poetry part." he said as a smile made it's way onto belle's face.

chris stared at her with pure happiness in his eyes. suddenly the judge started saying all the people who were picked to present their poetry.

one by one a new person would come on stage and present their poetry until it was the last person left, cassie.

cassie awkwardly walked onto stage as isaac, who was now in the crowd, started chanting her name as well as belle and the rest of her russ bus.

"okay quiet down!" the judge told isaac causing isaac and belle to roll their eyes.

"um, the first poem is inspired by a certain boy i know because no matter how hard i try to stay away from him i can't." she quickly explained before starting her poem.

"the very thought of you has my legs spread apart like an easel with a canvas begging for art."

everyone stayed silent after the poem was said. until everyone's head snapped in the direction of a smirking isaac. before anyone could clap cassie started her next poem.

"this poem is about a girl i know. one of the most sweetest, genuine girls out there who deserves in the world.

how is it so easy for you to be kind to people he asked. milk and honey dripped from my lips as i answered, cause people have not been kind to me."

everyone's heads then turned from isaac to a smiling belle. suddenly claps filled the air before they were stopped by the judge coming on stage. "okay okay. okay please stop. okay that's enough!" he yelled at belle causing chris to protectively grab belle's arm and glare at the guy.

"we need to announce the awards! i apologize for my outburst." the guy quickly said before continuing. suddenly many kids filled the stages and the awards begin starting with last place and ending with first place.

cassie got second place but was still happy that she even placed and got a trophy. belle couldn't have been more proud of her two friends.

after the show isaac went to go find cassie and congratulate her leaving all the other teens waiting outside.

belle rocked on her heels as chris talked to william, a smile on her face. a small group of  yellow flowers were placed in her hands as she waited patiently for her two friends.

everyone was making small talk and talking about their friends big wins when the two winners walked into the hallway.

jonas was the first to spot them and quickly pulled isaac in for a hug and placed a kiss on cassie's forehead. isak's small group of boys all admired belle and cassie as if they were there actual sisters.

belle quickly ran towards the three and threw her arms around cassie's neck. "you did great cass!" belle enthusiastically said as she clapped her hands together. they were soon joined by the rest of the group. belle quickly congratulated isaac and proceeded to hand each teen a small bunch of the yellow flowers.

they thanked her and continued to talk about the win. belle turned towards chris and quickly placed a kiss on his lips before she was called over by isaac who was surrounded by a woman and a man. 

belle awkwardly approached the group as she waved to the two older adults. "is this the famous belle?" the woman asked causing belle to nod. "i'm belle araya vega. you two must be marcus and jamie larsen." belle said as she stuck out her hand for the two to shake. they both happily shook her hand. the group made small talk before they were soon joined by cassie and her parents.

belle showed herself out of the theater after saying goodbye to everyone, chris was attached to her hip.

"i love you." he said as a smile made its way onto his lips.

"i love you too christoffer."

and that concludes the end of art.
thank you tremendously. i love you
all and thank you for continuing
to read through belle & chris' story.
with lots of love, -roseissues

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