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belle let out loud gasps as she collapsed onto the hard grass, the boy falling right next to her. belle pulled aiden's keys out from her pocket knowing he was most likely going to stay here at william's . she clicked on a button, his car instantly beeping.

belle got up again and pulled chris by his shoulders towards her. he stumbled and laughed before resting all his weight on belle. belle struggled to walk to the car as chris poked her cheeks and played with her hair.

finally she made it to aiden's car and opened the passenger seat. she pushed chris into the car and grabbed his seatbelt, buckling it for him. she shut the door then walked to the drivers side doing the same thing. eventually after doing everything she had to do the car roared to life.

belle pulled out of the driveway and begin driving down the street. "where do you live?" belle asked the intoxicated chris. he let out a few laughs before muttering a right. belle kept following the directions he was telling her for 10 minutes before she stopped the car, in front of william's house.

belle looked at chris with a annoyed face causing him to instantly begin laughing. he had been making her drive in a circle the whole time. belle pulled out of william's driveway for the last time before taking off towards her house.

"where are we going?" chris hummed, his head resting on his arm which was on the glove department.

"to my house," belle said, her eyes not leaving the road. "w-wait, really?" he asked, his eyes widening. belle watched a smile make its way onto his face as his head now rested on the palm of his hand.

belle tried to hide the smile on her face but failed horribly. "yes chris, really."


"okay, c'mon." belle said as she tried to unlock her front door. the keys slipped out of the girls hand and landed on the ground causing her to mutter a 'shit.'

she placed chris against the wall and went to reach for her keys. it was slightly hard seeing as the boy didn't want to be against the wall but rather wanted to be in belle's embrace. belle eventually opened her house door and pushed chris inside.

he fell and landed on the couch, a smile making it's way onto his face as he toke of his penetrator jacket. his shirt slightly lifting up revealing his toned chest.

" oh o-okay." belle said trying her hardest not to stare at him. he just chuckled before trying to stand up. belle watched as chris stood up, stumbling towards her. he stopped directly in front of her and just stared at her.

his lips curved into a small smile, showing off his dimples. he watched her as if she was a artist creating a masterpiece. he was so intrigued with just her staring at him.

belle smiled before grabbing him by the hand and leading him towards her bedroom. she sat him on her bed before telling him a quick "wait here" then ran to aiden's bedroom.

she grabbed a pair of grey sweatpants and turned back towards the hallway, running back into her bedroom.

"here. chris?" belle asked as she watched the brunette boy trace his fingers along a large canvas in the corner of her bedroom. "this is, wow," he mumbled, his eyes never once leaving the painting.

"thank you," belle said as a proud grin spread across her face. she handed him aiden's sweatpants and then motioned towards the bathroom door.

after hearing what sounded like crashing noises the bathroom door opened revealing a messy haired chris now wearing aiden's sweatpants.

he was laughing really hard as he stumbled around belle's bedroom. she sighed before laying him on her bed. he looked at her, a huge smile spreading across his face. she pulled the covers up, covering his body so his face and hands were the only thing seen.

she moved his hair out of his face before moving towards her desk. she watched as the needle of the record player dropped onto the record, music instantly playing.

belle sat on a chair in the corner of her room. she watched as chris' eyes finally dropped closed after a few minutes of watching her. he had finally fallen asleep. belle turned off her record player before sitting back on the chair, soon falling asleep.

belle could've sworn she felt her body being picked up from the chair and being placed on her bed. not only that, but if she was right, she felt something soft touch her lips.

truth be told, chris was already infatuated with her.

i smell drama brewing in
the air in the next chapters.
also, chris kissed belle, but
belle isn't sure if he actually
did though.

ART | chris schistad Where stories live. Discover now