twenty five

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[ imessage ]

i still miss you

                                        i miss you too
                               (unsent 2:47 am)
                                  i sTiL miSs yOu

                                                       belle                                        i miss you too                                (unsent 2:47 am)                                   i sTiL miSs yOu

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read 6:47 am


belle sighed before clicking the white button to conform yes as she blocked chris' number. did she need to text chris that spongebob meme? no but she found humor in doing so.

belle rolled over and plugged her phone back into her charger and eventually fell back asleep.


it was monday morning, everyone and anyone who got suspended from the fight were all returning back to school on the same day.

the bell was only fifteen minutes away from ringing but belle and aiden were still later then usual. everyone assumed the girl wasn't going to attend school like how she didn't for the past week but belle realized other people are going through worse. therefore, she decided to suck it up and get her shit together.

aiden pulled up to the school. already getting looks but not an insane amount considering everyone assumed belle wasn't with him.

but, when aiden got out of his car and belle got out of the passenger side gasps and whispers could be heard throughout the whole courtyard.

belle had her hands tucked into her pockets, holding onto her phone as music played through her earphones. aiden locked the car as the two siblings then walked up the stairs of the courtyard together.

everyone stared at the girl as she nodded to aiden before walking away. to be quite honest she felt like jughead jones as she walked past the girls who were all staring at her. she begin walking through the school hallways when she felt someone grab her arm and pull her into a classroom.

belle toke off her earphones as she made contact with isaac. "yes?" the girl asked.

"hang out with cassie. it's fine you don't have to come try and find me or switch from cassie to me. i'll be with isak and the rest of the guys. just, make sure she's okay for me. please." isaac pleaded.

belle quickly nodded before walking out the classroom. belle walked back outside the school as isaac walked farther in the school.

she saw cassie in the distance sitting on a bench by herself doing what looked like homework. a smile came to her face as she walked towards the girl.

before she reached the table a group of random girls stood right in front of her. belle rolled her eyes before placing a fake smile on her face. "may i help you?"

the girls looked between each other before one of the girls who had bright pink lipstick on begin talking. "would you like to join our bus?" in belle's opinion the girl looked like she was trying to hard to be noora.

belle let out a slow laugh at the thought before muttering a, "no" and brushing past them. "why not?" the noora look alike yelled after belle causing her to stop a few feet away from cassie.

cassie looked up, raising her eyebrows at belle who just smiled at her before turning around.

"i'm sorry. you seem like sweet girls but i'm already in a bus." belle answered.

a different girl with purple tips at the end of her hair spoke up, "you're still in their bus?" she looked towards the girls who were walking towards the scene, sana being the first person to make it to belle.

belle answered with a, "yes" causing the group of random girls to look noora's group up and down. one of the girls looked sana up and down before stopping at her hijab and making a absolute ridiculous face. the girl then proceeded to back up as if sana was going to do something to her.

everyone saw the girl do this and slowly gasped. sana begin to walk up to the girl when belle did it for her. "excuse me but please remind me who the hell you think you are to act like she's something that she isn't. i would like you to know that a majority of terrorist attacks were not caused by muslims. since your parents clearly didn't teach your uneducated self this i suppose i have to. terrorists have no religion. so please stop blaming innocent people for things they didn't do because you're afraid." belle said.

the girls clapped for belle and the other girl quickly left with her friends. sana turned to belle with a large smile on her face before speaking up, "thank you belle, really. it means a lot."

belle nodded to sana and quickly gave her a hug before turning towards cassie. cassie sat on the bench with a smile on her face. "good job." she said giving belle a high five as she sat down. belle simply laughed.

just a reminder that
terrorists have no religion.
so, if you are someone who
blames innocent people for
things they didn't do,
please leave.

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