thirty one

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belle didn't hesitate to kiss him back. she wrapped her arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist. all around them their friends were cheering them on including aiden.

they only pulled away when the art teacher tapped belle on the shoulder and looked at her with raised eyebrows. "sorry." belle said with an awkward laugh as she interlocked her fingers with chris'.

belle left the museum that night, not with aiden or cassie but with chris. although she had lost she knew something new was going to come out of her lose.

she rested her head on her hand as she watched chris quickly take off his shirt. he then proceeded to change his tight black skinny jeans into loose sweatpants. suddenly he hoped on the bed right next to belle. a giggle escaped her lips as she pulled him on top of her by his arms.

their lips quickly connected until chris pulled away with a sheepish smile on his face. belle laughed before resting her head on his chest. chris wrapped his arms around her waist; one arm resting on her thigh and the other on her waist.

"i love you," chris muttered but it was to late as he heard the quiet snores escape belle's lips. he simply laughed before nuzzling closer to the girl. chris soon joined belle in sleep, happy that he was in the arms of the girl he loved the most.

it was pure bliss.


a loud laugh escaped chris' lips as belle awkwardly danced to the random song that was being played over the radio. belle smiled at the boy before quickly taking a drink of her coffee. the lose yesterday had shattered belle's confidence quite a bit but chris was doing a good job in rebuilding it.

the two pulled up to the familiar school. belle quickly got out of the passenger side of the car with her coffee in her hand as chris got out of the drivers side.

the two were walking up the stairs of the school together, holding hands as everyone stared at them. if you didn't know the two you would not have expected them to be together let alone know each other.

chris turned towards the girl as he stood a few feet away from the penetrators. he wrapped his arms around belle's waist before quickly giving her a kiss on the lips.

belle smiled into the kiss before pulling away and waving bye to him. she quickly walked towards cassie and isaac as she ignored the stares she was receiving.

"i thought you said he wasn't your boy toy?" jonas asked as soon as belle was in talking distant of the group. "yeah, you guys caused quite the scene by making out in the middle of the museum yesterday." magnus added causing the group to laugh including belle.

"we did not make out." belle said to the group. the group just looked at each other with a looked that read sure. "it's true!" belle exclaimed when no one believed her.

"whatever helps you sleep at night," madhi added causing belle to scoff. "hey, at least i have someone who do you guys have?" she asked.

"i have even. i have isak. i have cassie. i have isaac." belle heard from around the group. "i know that i meant them three!" belle said as she pointed to magnus, jonas, and madhi.

"i'm with vilde." magnus said causing a gasp to escape from belle's lips. "you are? i see you've finally grown a pair and asked her out huh?" she asked causing the boy to scoff.

"i'm talking to eva again." jonas said. belle gasped even more at his sentence. "good job! i'm proud of you two!" belle said as she patted the boy's on the back.

"what about you?" belle asked madhi. madhi opened his mouth to say something but soon closed it after realizing there was nothing for him to say.

"i'm single. still." he said with a sigh. a mischievous smirk came to belle's face as she turned her head towards her group of girl friends. "i know the perfect candidate." belle said before quickly waving back to chris b who was waving at her.

belle turned back to madhi with hopeful eyes as he just shrugged. "why not." he said.

"yes!" belle exclaimed before turning towards the girls and running towards their group.

"oh chris!" belle yelled from the distance.

"oh sorry not you babe i meant chris b!" she continued.

"i found you a very nice boy!" belle screamed from across the courtyard before continuing to sprint towards her, nearly slamming into people multiple times.

this book is ending soon
i'm going to cry.

ART | chris schistad Where stories live. Discover now