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everyone watched as belle charged across the courtyard towards iben and her group. it was a strange sight not only because of the rumors going around but also considering there was about 20 people charging after her. all were people of interest due to the fact that they were all mostly penetrators.

the girls saw belle practically sprinting down the courtyard and instantly got up including eva. truth be told eva would still stick up for belle even if she did like chris. they followed everyone and finally found out what was going on after noora asked william.

all eyes were on belle as she stopped in front of iben, everyone a few feet behind her. iben stood up, her friends standing behind her as they stopped directly in front of belle. all iben's friends were wearing penetrator jackets. iben wearing chris', a blonde girl next to her wearing william's, and a brunette wearing aiden's.

everyone in the courtyard was holding their breaths, anxiously trying to see what was going to happen next. by now there was a large circle around the girls and belle.

"i don't believe we've officially met yet, i'm belle. belle araya vega." belle said, a bittersweet smile on her face.

iben tried to say something but was soon cut off by belle. "you know, the girl that supposedly hooked up with your so called man." belle said, doing air quotes when she said man.

"iben you seem like a sweet girl but trust me when i say that reputation will fly out the window if you make up anymore fake things about chris or i." belle continued, taking a step closer to iben. chris stood behind belle with a proud smile spread across his face.

iben gulped before responding,"it's not fake if i saw it happen."

belle laughed as she looked around at everyone in the courtyard before looking back at iben, "then maybe you need glasses because i'm here to say that this rumor is all bullshit. chris and i have never hooked up. so, you can either believe the person who was there or the person who is just jealous because her ex boyfriend has friends that are girls."

"iben this will be my only warning towards you. if you do this again, i can guarantee you, you won't get away with this." iben raised her eyebrows before laughing.

"are you threatening me, here in front of all these people?" she asked. "no no. sweetheart i believe you must have misheard me. i'm promising you." belle replied.

"see, us females are supposed to stick together! but the fact that you're spreading rumors about me because i'm friends with your ex is a low. also not only that but you punched my friend in the face because she made out with your boyfriend at the time. i mean i understand your anger but it wasn't just her fault. it was also chris'. i'm just going to tell you this one last time," belle said as she walked even closer to iben, her face was inches apart from iben's now.

"don't ever touch any of my friends again." belle said. iben didn't know how to respond so she didn't.

the girl wearing one of aiden's many penetrators jacket walked forward. she was about to say something when cassie walked towards the scene, standing directly in front of her. isaac tried to go after her but failed horribly as aiden held him back.

"if you even consider opening your mouth i will make sure it's the last time. you know i really feel bad that you girls have nothing better to do. therefore you like prancing around in these jackets you wear like souvenirs. especially you, considering you're the one making up these rumors. if i hear anything bad leave your mouth about belle again, trust me, she won't be the only person you have to worry about." cassie said towards iben, a smirk on her face.

if belle didn't scare these girls cassie sure as hell did. cassie and belle looked at each other with a triumphant smile and interlocked arms before walking away from the crowd.

aiden looked around at everyone with a smile. after belle had been pushed around so many times by so many different people she had finally stood up for herself and aiden couldn't be more pleased.

if belle didn't make chris want her before she definitely did now.

btw i fucking love iben so
no hate to my queen

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