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chris was gone when belle awoke the next morning. for the rest of the weekend she painted but her mind was still on chris. the only time he wasn't on her mind was when aiden and her were driving to school monday morning.

aiden seemed mad but belle had no clue as to why. he kept refusing to talk to her and whenever she said something he would annoyingly sigh or roll his eyes. the two finally pulled up to the school. they always got looks due to the fact that her brother was aiden and the car he drove seemed to intrigue everyone but today was different.

every single head in the courtyard was looking at the two as they got out of the car but they weren't looking at aiden. they were looking at belle.

"what the hell's going on aiden?" belle asked. belle could tell aiden was very angry as he shoved past people. she knew what was going to happen wasn't going to end well. belle shoved past people herself. the girls were all staring at her with remorse other then eva who was practically glaring at her, cassie and isaac were no where to be seen, and the penetrators were all staring at her.

william had a sympathetic look on his face and chris also was no where to be seen.

ten minutes later belle made it to her locker and began getting things out when she heard giggles behind her. she turned around and made eye contact with a blonde and a red head. "do you need something?" belle asked the two.

they looked at each other and laughed. "how was he?" the red head asked. "excuse me?" belle asked completely confused. "you know, how was chris? like in bed!"

"what did you just say?" belle asked feeling her blood began to boil. "chris. everyone knows he slept with you. so how was he?" the blonde asked again.

"who told you this?" belle asked. she was clutching her notebooks so hard her knuckles began to turn white. "everyone knows, supposedly chris was telling the penetrators." the red head said shrugging.

"thank you, i appreciate it." belle said. she threw all her notebooks back into her locker and slammed her locker door. she practically sprinted down the hallway leaving the two girls confused.

she threw the door to the courtyard open and began making her way towards the penetrators. they where in a secluded part of the courtyard seated in benches where hardly anyone other then the penetrators were. all the penetrators were there, even her brother, and chris was finally there to.

once belle approached them she saw chris with a bloody nose, william and another penetrator holding aiden back who had a bloody fist, and isaac holding cassie back who was shouting profanities to chris. when everyone noticed belle everyone went silent but cassie who was still shouting profanities but soon stopped as she noticed belle and the pissed off expression on her face.

"oh shit," isaac said before trying to go after belle with his free hand.

"christoffer schistad you're dead." belle spat approaching the boy. william let go of aiden leaving the other penetrator holding him so he didn't attack chris and approached belle.

"belle, i know your upset bu-" william tried to say before she cut him. "willhelm you don't know shit so i suggest you shut the hell up and go back to fantasizing about noora."

cassie tried to hide the smirk coming to her face but failed horribly. belle was finally sticking up for herself.

"belle i swear to god, i didn't tell anyone we hooked up because we didn't!" chris exclaimed as he backed up from the upset brunette. "then how come people are asking me if we hooked up chris?! if it wasn't you then who was it?" belle screamed at him.

"it was iben! she saw you leaving with me and freaked out i swear. belle please." chris practically begged the girl to believe him as he held her by the shoulders.

"why would she do that?" belle sarcastically asked. "because she still likes me obviously! i don't like her anymore since what happened with eva. she clearly got upset that she saw us together. she was the one belle. she told everyone." chris said.

he watched as belle clenched her fists and let out deep breaths. "belle, relax." isaac said slowly approaching her. aiden had finally calmed down now that he knew the truth which caused the penetrator to let him go.

belle was anything but relaxed as she swiftly turned around and began charging down the courtyard. "for fucks sake!" isaac replied as he and everyone else ran after her.

belle knew what she was going to do. she just had to find the girl.

belle was infuriated.

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