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"i'm terrified." belle whispered to chris. chris looked towards her with a sympathetic smile. "at the end of the day, despite what happens. we'll all still be here for you. cassie, isaac, aiden, william, noora and all the girls, jonas and all the boys, hell all the penetrators are even coming today because we all care about you. you'll win. i know it." chris told the girl with a smile on his face.

belle smiled before quickly giving him a kiss on his cheek causing his cheeks to go bright pink. the day was thursday and chris and belle were driving to the nearest art museum. chris' bruise had become less noticeable but that didn't stop the penetrators from still trying to find the yakuza boys.

everyone in the classroom voted that that museum would be the best spot to put the art piece. no one knew who was going to win. all the students in belle's art class were to arrive at the museum at 7 then at 7:30 they would reveal who won by pulling down the curtain on the hidden piece. truth be told belle was terrified.

the two pulled up to the art museum at 7:15 and got out of the car. belle and chris interlocked hands before walking into the museum. it was crowded with people from families there to support their kids to the judges of the art contest.

belle nuzzled closer to chris causing him to wrap his arms around her waist as they pushed through the crowd. a smile made it's way onto belle's face as she saw all her friends. "hey chris!" belle said to the familiar girl. chris b placed a smile on her face as she hugged the girl then said hi to chris.

belle then started saying hi to everyone who had came out for her starting with noora and ending with isaac and cassie who had made up. alec and emery had even showed up, who made up with each other as well. also, all the penetrators had shown up which belle thought chris was lying about, but it was indeed true as the teen boy's in the black sweaters toke up most of the people in the museum.

"wait belle. there's someone else who's here for you." aiden whispered into her ear. "who?" belle said before her voice slowly fell quiet.

"dad." she whispered. a laugh escaped her lips as she watched the familiar vega stroll through the museum doors, a brunette lady following behind him. belle walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. he smiled before hugging her back.

he suddenly pulled away with a nervous smile on his face. "belle, this is hayley my girlfriend." he said. belle looked between the two adults before finally smiling. "i'm belle. it's so nice to finally meet you!" belle exclaimed.

hayley introduced herself before hugging belle. suddenly the museum went silent as the owner started speaking into a microphone causing the three people to quickly hurry over towards the rest of belle's friends.

belle's hands were shaking and her heart was beating like crazy as the owner begin talking. "we wanted to pick a piece that wasn't just pretty but that meant something to someone. before hand we interviewed all the students and asked them about their pieces which they all answered truthfully but one person. this person answered truthfully but the way they talked about it was something else. you could physically see their eyes light up as they talked about their incredible piece and i knew that person was going to be the winner. so, without further ado i present you the winner." the owner said before he pulled down the curtain revealing the winning art piece.

it was like everything happened in slow motion. suddenly loud cheering could be heard from a boy and his family as belle's big smile slowly fell into a frown. the art that was on the wall was not her's.

everyone watched as belle awkwardly laughed before pulling at the sleeves of her jacket. "at least the winner's artwork is good!" she said as she struggled to keep the smile on her face.

her mouth said one thing but her eyes said another as small tears filled them. "belle," aiden whispered. "no, it's fine really. i didn't expect to win anyways so it's not a big d-deal!" belle whimpered as her voice slightly cracked.

as much as she tried to deny it, she was hurt. she had worked so hard for this moment but it's wasn't any use. she had lost. usually the girl was okay with losing but this meant the world to her.

chris quickly walked up to the girl and wrapped his arms around her as she buried her head in his chest. she felt like she had disappointed everyone which saddened her. she hated disappointing people.

chris quickly whipped the stray tear that was falling down her face and did something that shocked everyone more than the boy winning.

he kissed her.

belle should have won instead
of that grease stain but i
knew everyone would have
predicted her winning so shit
i changed the game up.

also, i see the person
who portrays alec as the
guy who portrays boyd
from teen wolf.
the girl who portrays
emery would be erika from
teen wolf because i ship
them more then chris and

lastly, the face claim for hayley
is obviously going to be
phoebe tonkin.

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