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a few weeks had passed since belle and chris went out for coffee and since then their relationship had blossomed.

belle found herself liking him more and more everyday and chris felt himself falling in love with her.

although, they both clearly had feelings for each other they were both terrified. the two had never been in serious relationships therefore they didn't know what to do about their feelings.

they also weren't exactly sure about their feelings considering chris found himself also being drawn to other people, including eva. chris only acknowledged his feeling for belle when everything came crashing down.


belle laid on cassie's bed as cassie searched for a outfit for school. it was 6:30 am and belle was surprised she hadn't fallen asleep yet.

"how are you and isaac?" belle asked giving cassie her full attention.

cassie laughed, a tint of pink coming to her cheeks, "we're great. i like him a lot."

belle smiled at the girl. "are you guys dating? like have you labeled your relationship yet?"

belle watched as cassie stopped looking through her clothes and turned around to face belle. "well, we don't want to label our relationship yet, you know in case it doesn't work out. but, we do all the things a couple does and we act like one we just don't label ourselves as one."

belle just nodded her head at cassie, a small smile on her face. as long as both of them were happy was all that mattered.

"i know it's confusing," cassie said laughing as she finally chose a outfit.

she went into the bathroom to change but left the door slightly ajar so she could continue talking to belle.

"how are you and christoffer?" she asked.

belle didn't speak. she just tried to come up with the words as to what her and christoffer were. "we're just friends. plus i think he has a thing for eva," belle said shrugging as if she didn't care.

cassie knew that deep down belle cared a lot but didn't confront her about it. "so you guys just hang out as friends?" cassie asked as she came out of the bathroom.

belle nodded but the truth was she liked him a lot. cassie noticed the plain expression on her face as she nodded and decided to speak up, "belle i'm going to tell you one thing only, if you truly like him be with him. don't let the fact that you're scared of falling in love stop you from that. be wild, have fun."

then, cassie grabbed her backpack and walked out her bedroom, a dumbfounded belle following behind her.


the two girls walked up the steps of their school, cassie spotting isaac instantly and belle spotting the girls. "you can go hang out with the girls if you want or you can come with isaac and i, i'm fine with either choice." cassie said breaking belle out of her thoughts about what she had said earlier.

"oh, i'll go with the girls it's fine." belle said pointing towards the girls as cassie just sent her a smile and walked towards isaac.

belle walked towards the girls, passing by the penetrators. chris stared at her as she walked past them. belle noticed him staring at her and sent him a smile, he just looked away. belle raised her eyebrows before just sending a smile to aiden who smiled back. william watched the whole thing happen and also raised his eyebrows at chris who just rolled his eyes at william.

belle finally approached all the girls, their backs all facing belle. belle was about to say hi when their conversation stopped her. "we were just kissing and then he led me into his bedroom and it just happened. you know i always heard people say how chris is good in bed but i didn't know he was that good," eva said.

belle felt herself going numb, she was absolutely devastated. belle finally said something as she placed a fake smile on her face, "hey guys. i'm going to go use the restroom but i'll catch up with you guys right now." all the girls instantly placed smiles on their faces and nodded.

belle turned, tears already forming in her eyes and quickly walked away from the girls. before she knew it some tears were leaving her eyes as she passed the penetrators who were about to walk past her. "belle?" aiden asked causing all the penetrators to look at her. chris felt his heart fall to the bottom of his stomach as he saw belle. belle shook her head at aiden and just walked faster.

aiden stood up trying to follow her but william stopped him. "give her time aiden. she needs to figure this one out without you." william said as he held aiden back.

aiden just slumped his shoulders as he watched belle disappear.

meanwhile, cassie held the small girl as quiet cries left her body. isaac on the other hand was shaking with fury as belle told them what had happened.

shit's about to
hit the fan

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