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belle awoke the next morning to her obnoxious alarm clock continuing to go off. she reluctantly got up, a blanket wrapped around her body as she searched for her clothes.

she got everything she needed and started the shower water, soon jumping in.

after doing everything she had to do she got out of the shower and did the remaining things. she was applying light mascara on her eyelashes, the only makeup she wears, when she heard aiden's loud laughter echoing throughout the house.

she got up, gathering her belongings and walked out her bedroom door. she instantly made eye contact with aiden and some of the penetrators including chris and william.

"can i talk to you?" belle asked, already knowing this was going to go terribly wrong. aiden simply nodded as mostly all the boys continued talking and laughing but chris who's eyes were glued on belle.

they walked to the other side of the kitchen when belle finally began talking, "don't get mad, or upset but i was wondering if i could possibly, you know, go to one of your parties?" aiden's eyebrows instantly raised as belle cringed already knowing his response.

"over my dead body." he spat, laughing as if what belle had told him was the funniest joke in the world.

"what. why?" belle said, walking after the boy who was going back to his friends.

"because i said no," he said turning around as if it was the most obvious thing ever. "oh, excuse me for forgetting you were suddenly playing the father role in my life." belle said, pointing a finger at him.

the conversation between the penetrators soon died down, all their attention now on the two siblings. "i'm not having this conversation with you," aiden said.

"you've never made decisions for me and you sure as hell aren't going to start now. you go to those parties every damn week and the one time i ask to go to one i can't!" belle screamed.

"you wouldn't survive for shit in that crowd of people." aiden said as all the penetrators awkwardly pretended they weren't listening.

"yea, we'll see about that." belle said slamming the front door.


"he just doesn't understand!" belle exclaimed to the two teens. "so what now?" cassie asked as she threw a red skittle into her mouth.

"i don't know, but i'm not going to give up that's for sure." belle said as she glared at her brother who sat across the courtyard laughing at a joke william had told.

"maybe he has a point. parties aren't really your thing belle." isaac said.

belle looked at him as if he had just insulted her, which he kind of did. "isaac you've known me for three days, how do you know what's my 'thing' and what isn't?" belle asked as she drank the last of her tea.

"belle trust me, maybe it's for the best." he shrugged as cassie disagreed with him.

"watch, i'm going to prove you and aiden wrong." belle said, gathering her things. she mumbled a quick bye to the two and threw away her tea can.

she walked past aiden, not meeting his eyes at all. she saw noora and the rest of the girls located across the campus, her pace instantly picking up. belle was a few feet away from all the girls, their backs turned to her, when belle was suddenly yanked by her arm into the empty school corridors.

"william's place, this friday night at 9. be there." chris said as his lips grazed belle's ear, sending shivers throughout her whole body. he quickly looked the youngest vega up and down with a smirk plastered on his face.

he then walked out the front doors of the school like nothing happened while belle stood there a bit dumbfounded.

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