twenty four

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aiden was the first person to snap out of his trance, chris being next. the two boys moved towards the area where they last saw belle and jonas but cassie quickly stopped them.

"how is belle supposed to live her life if you two constantly won't let her?" she asked. the two boys looked at each other. even if they were constantly in arguments at the end of the day they both still cared about belle, therefore they were now on the same page.

with many protests they finally agreed to let belle do what she pleased. chris walked away towards the beer, his heart numb even though he did the same thing to belle multiple times.

the rest of the night everyone danced and enjoyed themselves although belle was still on the back of their mind.

no one saw belle or jonas again for the whole night.


belle's eyes opened causing the sunlight to make her shut them. she fully opened her eyes again and peered around the room.

jonas laid on the bed next to her completely naked with hickeys covering parts of his neck. belle sighed before grabbing a random plain white t-shirt on the floor and putting it on. there were various clothing articles scattered on the floor. she was positive most of the clothes didn't belong to her or jonas.

it went to about her mid thigh as she searched for her jeans. belle put them on before grabbing her shoes on the ground. she had no clue where her shirt actually was and assumed the one she had on was jonas'. she was wrong. she quickly grabbed her phone and wallet but, her keys were no where to be found. belle ran her hands through her hair as she let out a frustrated sigh before looking at jonas sleeping body and walked out the bedroom.

she walked down the stairs and heard various voices and pans being used causing her to raise her eyebrows. once she made it down the stairs she made eye contact with william first.

"hello belle, breakfast?" he asked causing noora to turn around. "here you are! i was wondering where you were." noora said as she placed a piece of bacon in her mouth.

"um, sure." belle said. she sat down on a barstool in the kitchen as she placed her head in her hands. she heard a dish being placed in front of her causing her to start speaking before she even looked up.

"thanks noora." belle said as her voice trailed off towards the end of noora. the person in front of her was not noora.

chris looked her up and down going from her messy hair to her outfit. he let out a sarcastic laugh before sitting on another bar stool away from belle.

belle raised her eyebrows as she made eye contact with noora causing noora to shrug. noora placed a tylenol and a water bottle in front of belle.

belle thanked her and looked down at her plate, not looking up again. she didn't look up when eva walked into the room and everyone greeted her including chris or when william burned the food. she only looked up when she heard a series of, "hi jonas." jonas had walked into the room.

"holy shit." noora said as she studied the boy's neck that had multiple hickeys on it. once everyone saw jonas they then looked towards belle.

belle made eye contact with everyone before muttering a sarcastic, "whoops" and placing the last piece of her waffle in her mouth.

belle stood, placed her dirty sides in the sink, and quickly washed them as everyone in the room made small talk.

when belle finished she quickly walked towards noora and mumbled a quick bye before trying to leave the house unnoticed.

her hand rested on the doorknob when a voice stopped her. "next time, i'm going to need my shirt back." chris whispered in her ear sending shivers up and down her spine.

belle swiftly turned around to see him already in the middle of a conversation with william. no one had seen chris talking to belle at all.

she slowly opened the doorknob and walked out before a hand grabbed onto her wrist. "let me give you a ride home. it's the least i can do. aiden toke your keys to the house with him so you wouldn't leave." william offered.

belle protested saying she would walk but, eventually gave in and let him give her a ride.

the two sat in an comfortable silence as william drove to her and aiden's house. william was the first one to speak.

"chris still misses you. do you know that?" he asked.

belle scoffed and quickly rolled her eyes before responding, "i'm pretty sure if you miss someone that you had a fling with you wouldn't make out with one of their friends."

william laughed. "that's chris for you. he's never done a serious relationship before and trust me belle i know neither have you. just give him one more chance please. you practically did the same thing as him when you hooked up with jonas." he said finally looking at belle.

belle sat in silence for a few seconds before turning her full body towards william. "i may give him one more chance if you answer this question truthfully for me."

william nodded causing belle to speak. "he hasn't just hooked up with eva the two times since i found out. how many time have they including after everything went to shit." belle asked as she stared out the car window.

william didn't answer as he sat in silence. he finally spoke when he pulled into belle's driveway.

he stopped the car, turned his body in his seat towards the girl, and begin to talk.

"multiple times."

belle bit the inside of her cheek as her eyes got watery. "then willhelm i didn't practically do the same thing as him when i hooked up with jonas. don't try to guilt trip me sweetheart, that never works." she said.

then belle got out of the car and walked into her house, slamming her front door leaving a slightly confused and desperate william in his car.

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