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it was the next day, around 4 as chris let out a sad sigh before texting the girl back.

come over now, please.

he turned off his phone and waited for a response. eventually after he had been laying on his bed for a few minutes he heard the familiar ding. chris rolled over and turned his phone on, reading the girl's response. she texted back saying okay.

chris got off his bed and walked into his bathroom. he turned on the sink faucet and sprayed water on his face. he looked into the mirror at his bloodshot eyes.

he reached for the eye drops and squirted them into his eyes. he then grabbed his cologne and sprayed it on himself and all over his room. the smell of weed slowly going away.

he sat on his bed, his hands holding his head. he was high out of his mind but he still missed belle so damn much. no matter how hard he tried he couldn't get his mind off of her. he didn't know why he was this sad about her not talking to him anymore if they weren't even dating. sure he had feelings for her but they weren't as strong as he thought. he had no clue if she was safe or if she was okay because no one was telling him anything.

she was driving him fucking insane.

chris heard the door bell ring and walked down the stairs as he moved his hair out of his face. he opened the front door making eye contact with the girl.

she smiled slightly before sighing, "we can't keep doing this chris."

"i know. but just this last time." he said before pulling her into his house, connecting their lips instantly.

they walked towards chris' bedroom, still kissing. they both deep down knew this wasn't going to be their last time doing this.

but even if they wanted to keep doing this, they knew they had to stop because as much as eva was in love with chris he was still in love with belle.


belle watched the light pink water rush down the drain until there was nothing left. she placed the mason jar that had various color stains on the counter. water running down the side of the jar as she dried her hands.

she walked out of the bathroom into her bedroom, sitting on the bed. she ran her hands through her hair while her phone constantly vibrated.

she picked it up and glared at the screen while various names popped up on the screen but two, chris and eva.

belle sighed before slipping on her dirty checkered vans. she grabbed her phone and walked out her bedroom door soon bumping into a hard chest.

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