twenty nine

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—                                      cassie walked home, her hand clutching her phone

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cassie walked home, her hand clutching her phone. she saw various cars pass by as she walked down the street. small sprinkles of rain hit her cheek, but soon slid off.

suddenly a familiar car pulled over next to her causing her to swiftly turn her head, her long black hair hitting her cheek.

"hey, need a ride?" isaac asked after he rolled down the truck window. cassie huffed before turning her head away from the truck and continued to walk down the street.

isaac laughed before driving the car in the direction that cassie was walking. which caused her to walk faster. isaac drove the car even faster in the direction cassie was going.

"cass just get in the car! you're going to get sick!" he said. cassie laughed before glaring at the boy. "since when do you care about me?" she asked.

isaac clenched his jaw as it started raining harder. "fine don't get in then." he said before turning his car towards the street.

cassie sighed before looking at the boy. she slowly walked towards the other side of his car and opened the door.

a smirk fell across isaac's face as cassie got in the car. "you just can't live without me can you?" he asked causing cassie to send him the middle finger.

he simply laughed before driving in the direction of the girl's house. the two didn't talk at all until isaac pulled into cassie's driveway.

"bye cass-" isaac tried to say before he was cut off by cassie connecting her lips to his. cassie wrapped her arms around his neck before moving from her seat to his lap.

isaac wrapped his arms around cassie's waist as the two continued to make out. a smirk made it's way onto his face knowing what he had said was true,

she couldn't live without him.


jonas arm was wrapped around belle's waist as he blew smoke out of his mouth. although the two had hooked up they still decided to be good friends and nothing more.

magnus was sat in the couch opposite of them texting vilde while madhi told him things to say.

even was listening to belle talk about herself as an asleep isak rested his head on his shoulder.

belle laughed at even before checking her phone that had rang. she had gotten a text from christoffer.

"who is it?" even asked with a raised eyebrow.

belle smiled before speaking again, "no one." jonas looked between even and belle with a smirk placed on his face. "it's her boy toy." he said with a laugh.

"he is not!" belle said as she slapped jonas' chest. "what did he say?" magnus asked with a laugh. "he wants to hang out." belle said as she texted the boy back. "ooo, maybe netflix and chill?" madhi asked with a smirk.

"no you guys!" belle exclaimed. the boys just laughed and shrugged. "what'd you say?" jonas asked. "yes. he's going to pick me up here in ten minutes." belle announced.

the group of boys looked towards each other with suggestive looks. "he's my friend! a girl is allowed to have a friend who's a boy without getting in his pants!" belle yelled out.

"but, if i am correct isn't he the boy who caused a shit ton of drama in your life. plus, he's christoffer schistad for crying out loud." isak said, finally awake.

"i thought you were supposed to be asleep?" belle said with raised eyebrows earning a smirk from isak.

suddenly a loud honk could be heard from outside the house. "that's my cue." belle stated as she gathered her belongings. she placed eye drops on her slightly red eyes and quickly put some perfume on.

"have fun!" the boys all said at once sending the girl winks. belle glared at them before walking out the front door. a smile came to her face as she saw the familiar black car.

"hello," belle said as she opened the passenger door. "hey." chris said with a smile. chris quickly drove out of the driveway after belle had shut the car door.

"so, what were you doing here, at jonas' house?" chris asked with raised eyebrows. belle laughed but quickly stopped when she realized he wasn't laughing. "chris. it's nothing to worry about trust me. i'm okay." belle said with a smile as she placed her hand on chris' arm.

"if it's nothing to worry about then why do you reek of weed?" chris asked with a raised eyebrow.

belle's mouth fell slightly agape before chris spoke again, "that's what i thought."


belle looked at chris with a smile as she collapsed on her bed. chris collapsed on the bed right next to her.

"are you nervous about thursday?" chris asked belle.

belle had gotten a email durning when chris and her were hanging out saying that they would find out who won the art project that thursday. belle rested her head on chris' chest as he brushed his fingers through her hair.

"i would be lying if i said no." belle said. "it's just, this could be my big break you know? like my art would actually be out there and people would enjoy it. i'm just nervous tha-" belle said before chris interrupted her.

chris rose from the bed and went to the girl who was pacing around her room. he stopped her by placing his hands on her cheeks. "don't worry. you'll be okay and if you don't win you'll still have me. no matter what." he said, his lips inches from belle's.

belle's eyes flickered from his lips to his eyes before she rested her head on his chest. "thank you." belle whispered out.

chris placed a kiss on belle's forehead before speaking, "anytime."

guys i just met matthew
gray gubler (spencer reid
from criminal minds) and
i'm so shook.
also, thank
you all for 7k reads!

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