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school had at just ended as belle and isaac were both being escorted to detention. belle had learned quite a lot about isaac and cassie earlier in the day. isaac played soccer but only did it for his father, isaac truly preferred drama and filmmaking. he wanted to be a director when he grew up.

cassie on the other hand didn't have any idea on how she wanted to spend her future. she preferred to live everyday like it was her last and so she did so. though one thing cassie was very good at was poetry.

belle and isaac approached the room that had a number '403' on a plague card by the door. the janitor who had been escorting them so they didn't run off opened the door and signaled for the two to enter.

they both reluctantly entered seeing a room with 10 people sitting in separate chairs. belle looked around stopping as her eyes came across a group of boys. she recognized them all, one was william, the other was her brother aiden, and the last boy was the boy she encountered at the ice cream shop.

she walked further into the classroom, isaac following behind her as they stopped at a desk she assumed was miss. smiths. "belle and isaac, correct?" she asked as she adjusted her glasses, writing on a clipboard.

"yep." belle replied dragging out the p as she awkwardly rocked on her heels.

aiden sat across the room watching belle as she continued to rock back and forth.

"sit here," miss. smith said, pointing at a empty seat in the 2nd row. isaac went to go sit in the seat next to it so he could sit next to belle but he was soon cut off by miss. smith yelling "not you!"

belle sat in the seat, laying her head on her hands as she let out a loud sigh. isaac got lucky and was sat next to his good friend jonas.

for most of the detention aiden tried texting belle to ask her why she was here but by the time she saw her phone miss. smith announced that a hour had passed. isaac as well many other people including aiden got up, gathering their belongings.

isaac and aiden both sent belle a supportive smile before quickly running out the door. miss smith grabbed her clipboard and read the remaining names, "jonas vasquez, belle araya vega, and christoffer schistad."

belle instantly turned her head meeting eyes with first jonas, then christoffer who sent her a wink and a smile. "of course, knowing my luck." belle muttered as she slammed her head on the desk.

miss. smith was sat in her chair on a ipad that was bigger than her own head occasionally looking up here and there. jonas played with his skateboard wheels and christoffer watched belle like a hawk.

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