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william sat in the office, all the penetrators, chris, and aiden surrounding him as he explained to the many teachers why isaac did what he did.

chris had gone to the bathroom a few minutes earlier and had stopped crying in there, although his eyes were a little red still.

after william had explained what had happened the room fell silent. "i'm going to kill you!" aiden suddenly screamed, breaking the silence as he tried to run towards chris. many teachers and penetrators jumped out of their seats and held him back.

finally aiden reluctantly sat back down in his seat, a bunch of teachers now sitting next to him.

"okay, well this is probably one of the most confusing and weirdest things that has happened here. isaac will be punished when he returns to school, aiden you are to be suspended for two days, and chris you have a weeks worth of suspension. william you are fine." the principal said before giving the rest of the penetrators who fought their consequences to.

"no more fighting especially you aiden and chris, also we will be speaking to all of your parents. other then that you may all go." everyone stood up to walk out before the art teacher stopped them.

"aiden." she said catching the attention of everyone. everyone turned to face her. "make sure belle's okay for me, please. she's my top student." aiden simply nodded before walking out.

the first thing everyone did when they walked out the office was text belle.


belle walked down the street, a beer bottle clutched in her hand. everyone had texted her including people she's never even talked to. the whole school had her number now so, she just turned of her phone.

belle walked up the steps of her house, unlocking the front door as she drank the last of the beer. she placed the empty beer bottle on the kitchen counter before opening the fridge and grabbing a full bottle of vodka.

belle opened the vodka before walking to her bedroom. she dumped all her school stuff that was in her backpack on the floor before shoving random things into it she might need. by now her bedroom looked like someone had robbed her but she wasn't done yet. she pulled a box out from under her bed and opened it. the box was full of cash that belle was saving for art supplies. she grabbed all the cash and shoved it into her backpack before walking out of her bedroom.

belle walked past the kitchen and living room and went to the front door before stopping. she looked around the house one last time before shutting the front door and walking down her street. the vodka bottle half empty already.


"her phones off." aiden said to william as the two pulled into aiden's driveway. two more cars pulled up behind aiden's car causing him to raise his eyebrows.

aiden got out the car as well as william just in time for chris to get out of his car. noora and eva also getting out of chris' car. sana, vilde, and chris b all getting out of the last car.

"hell no." aiden spat as he approached chris. "leave now." aiden said as william held him back.

"i'm just here to help you find her, that's all! please just let me help." chris begged as aiden sighed. aiden just walked past him and into his house. the door to the house was already unlocked.

"she was here." aiden said pointing towards the door. everyone nodded before following aiden inside the house.

aiden walked into the kitchen, spotting something. he picked up the empty beer bottle that was on the counter before speaking, "she's drinking again."

"again?" noora asked as she grabbed the bottle from his hands. "trust me when i say you don't want to be around belle when she's drunk," aiden said.

he then walked to her bedroom, the door already wide open. "holy shit." chris b said as she looked around the bedroom. "she left." aiden said as he sat on belle's bed, holding his head in his hands.

chris walked around the room, remembering the first time he was in here. he picked up the vinyl that read beauty behind the madness. the one she had played when he stayed the night.

he kept walking around the room and stopped coming across a painting, the first piece of artwork he had seen of belle's. it was now finished and instead of being tucked away in the corner it was hanging above her bedroom. it was her version of the starry night painting by vincent van gogh.

he traced the painting with his fingers before noora spoke. her voice made him jump as he turned towards her. "what now?"

aiden finally looked up and spoke. "we bring the only person who can find her here."

"who?" eva asked, everyone was completely confused.

"our dad."


meanwhile belle was drunk out of her mind and enjoying life as she rode the bike she found on the side of a street.

she was riding down a random neighborhood, her backpack on her back as a small smile came to her face.

she was finally happy. she wasn't hurting anyone and she was far to drunk right now to realize her problems.

aiden and belle's father is
finally being introduced!

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