twenty six

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belle quickly threw on her sweatshirt before walking out of her room. a loud yawn escaped her lips as she glanced at the clock in the corner of the room that read 2:27.

loud knocks could still be heard coming from the front door causing belle to yell an, "i'm coming!"

she wasn't sure how aiden didn't hear the loud knocks that sounded throughout the whole room. she actually didn't even know if he was home.

she suddenly threw the front door open not even bothering to look through the peep hole. she yawned and rubbed her eyes again before asking a, "yes?"

she quickly moved her hands from her eyes and made eye contact with christoffer. she was seconds away from closing the door when she realized blood falling from his nose and a large bruise on the side of his cheek.

"chris what happened?" belle asked before pulling him into the warm house.

he didn't respond but only looked at her with sympathetic eyes.

"chris, what's wrong. are you okay?" belle asked as she placed her hand on his cheek. she cleaned the blood falling from his nose with her hand and quickly gave him a wash cloth to use.

suddenly her heart sunk to the bottom of her chest as she watched frustrated tears make there way to his eyes. she quickly wrapped her arms around his neck before slowly tracing patterns along his back.

"chris, baby. what happened?" belle whispered into his ear. her tone of voice way more gentle now.

"the yakuza boys. i thought a few other penetrators and i could talk to them but that didn't work." he whispered out causing her to pull him closer to her body. by now she felt her shirt on her right side slowly get wet.

"those assholes. it's okay i'm here. trust me i won't let anyone hurt you anymore. are aiden and william okay?" belle asked.

chris met eyes with her, a few tears had fallen down his cheeks. "they don't know what happened." he said. belle's mouth slowly fell agape. "how many other penetrators were there?" she quickly asked.

chris looked down at his shoes and failed to answer her. "christoffer, how many other penetrators were there?" belle asked, her voice demanding.

"two other guys."

belle quickly pulled him by his hand towards her bedroom. he sat on her bathroom counter as she struggled to help the bleeding from his nose stop. eventually it did.

belle stood in between his legs as she placed her head on his bare chest. he had taken off his white t-shirt due to it being covered in blood. not that she was complaining.

"just tell me what happened." belle finally said as she made eye contact with him. the bruise on the side of his face looked even more noticeable now which made anger rush through her body.

"they've been wanting to talk since william smashed a bottle over one of their heads. a other penetrator, austin, was going to go and tell them off because they were bothering his sister. long story they beat, austin, me, and another penetrators ass. i haven't told william or aiden because i know they'll kill them."

"stay here for tonight. aiden won't mind. plus you'll be safe and i can watch you! you can stay in my room with me." belle said causing him to shake his head.

"no i'm not getting you involved anymore then you already are." chris said.

"fuck that. i don't care if i get more involved they laid their hands on you! if something happens to you because you wanted to go home by yourself i will never be able to forgive myself. chris, guys are allowed to have feelings too. they don't have to be strong all the time." belle practically yelled out causing him to pull her even more into his chest.

"i love you." he whispered out, his heart beating like crazy. "i love you too christoffer." belle said as she placed a kiss on his forehead.

chris had fallen asleep to belle's soft humming as she played with his hair.

after he had fallen asleep belle had managed to escape from his grasp and find her phone. the time was now 3:48 as she dialed aiden's number.

he quickly answered but before he could speak belle quietly begun explaining chris' current situation and how he was staying with her for the night whether he liked it or not. aiden agreed that it was best for him to stay with her so a final goodnight concluded the call.

belle plugged in her phone and laid back down in her bed. it wasn't long until chris pulled her into his chest.

that night belle hardly slept but certain arms around her waist reminded her that she was safe but more importantly that he was safe too.

ART | chris schistad Where stories live. Discover now