twenty seven

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that morning when belle awoke chris was no where to be seen, but she knew he would come back when she turned and found a picture frame of a woman who looked identical to chris. not only that but belle saw a large duffle bag in the corner of the room that wasn't there the previous night.

belle didn't know if she was still mad at chris. the previous night had changed her whole opinion about him. in all honesty she just wanted him to be safe and she knew the only way he would be safe was if he was with her.


chris let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in as he knocked on the front door.

he heard shuffling on the other side of the door and soon the door opened. eva stood, a small smile on her face as she let chris in.

she knew what this was about and she wasn't looking forward to it.

her and chris sat on separate couches as chris begin to speak first, "we can't do this anymore. i love belle."

eva sighed before placing a smile on her face. "i know. i'm starting to get feelings for jonas again. it's okay trust me." eva said.

chris finally relaxed, happy that the girl wasn't making a scene about this. chris stood and gave eva an awkward hug before quickly saying goodbye and walked towards the front door. before he could walk all the way out eva's voice stopped him.

"chris. love her unconditionally and for me, please don't fuck this up again." she said. chris simply laughed and agreed before fully walking out of the house.


belle rubbed her eyes as the loud music blasted in her ears. she toke a drink of her strawberry banana smoothie before quickly getting back to work.

unfortunately since belle had missed a week of school she had an insane amount of homework she missed out on that she needed to complete. some teachers gave the young girl a break since they heard what happened but other's like her math teacher didn't.

her art teacher as well as her science teacher were the one's who gave belle a break but belle still needed to complete a mandatory art project. she wasn't complaining though because the art project was getting sent to the state meaning not only would it look good on her college resume if she won but also first place would get their art piece hung up in a museum of their choice.

belle was unsure what she was going to do for her art piece but she had an idea. if she was going to stick to that idea though was the thing she didn't know.

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