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belle was seated on noora's bed as the rest of the girls continued getting ready. some of the girls such as eva, noora, and vilde were wearing quite revealing outfits meanwhile, chris, sana, and belle were wearing their usual outfits.

the girls began gathering their belongings signaling they were leaving. belle got up, her blue jacket clutched to her chest as the music in the background of the room stopped. all the girls walked out noora's bedroom to the front yard, noora then locking her house.

they began walking down the street, belle and chris seeing who could kick more stones before they arrived at william's house. finally when they arrived belle had kicked 10 stones while chris had kicked 12.

by now it was dusk, the sky looked like a dark grey and blue masterpiece when the house came into view. the girls walked up the front yard as chris leaned against the open door, his eyes already on belle. there already were tons of people in the front yard that was covered in red solo cups.

christoffer opened the door wider, all the girls walking in one by one. vilde, noora, chris, sana, then a reluctant eva, leaving belle alone with chris.

"you came," he said, a smile making its way onto his face. "i wouldn't miss it," belle said before walking into the house. his eyes wandering all over her body as she passed him.


by now all the girls had separated from each other. they had arrived at the party around a hour ago but the real party started only 45 minutes ago. belle had successfully avoided aiden as she wandered the house looking for a certain brunette who had texted her saying she was here. everywhere she went people were drunk, high, either making out or on the verge of making out with each other.

belle stopped, a smirk making it's way onto her lips at the sight. isaac sat on the couch, cassie perched on his lap as they intensely made out. belle raised her eyebrows before laughing and walking away. belle was getting slightly bored as she searched for her friends or anyone she knew in general.

belle scoffed as she watched from the kitchen aiden doing body shots off a girl. she watched as the girl giggled, aiden then laughing himself, the two were most likely going to hook up.

belle let out a sigh before collapsing on a bar stool, this was a horrible idea now that belle thought it through. she wondered who had the brilliant idea of creating parties as she looked around the room. the girls were dancing with random guys expect for noora who was talking to william. isaac and cassie were still making out, aiden was now making out with the girl, and chris her last option was no where to be found.

belle finally grew so bored that she walked up to a random group of teens and began awkwardly including herself in their conversation. they just glared at her when they finally noticed the girl and quickly walked away.

belle sighed before walking to another group of people trying her luck again. their responses were the exact same as the other group of people.

belle walked up the wooden stairs, passing numerous brown colored doors. she stopped in the middle of a hallway unsure which room would be the restroom. she opened the door nearest to her right before quickly slamming it shut, she then pondered how much holy water would cost online.

she opened two more doors and finally the last one revealed a bathroom. she walked in then locked the door as she collapsed on the ground. she sat there for a solid three minutes before getting up. she started the facet of water and sprayed some of the cold liquid on her face.

belle looked at her reflection in the mirror, "stop being so awkward. just have a good time. just relax. go talk to more people."

belle opened the bathroom door, soon bumping into a hard chest.

she heard a loud laugh escape someone's lips. "here you are!" chris said stumbling. his breath smelling strongly of alcohol, "i've been looking for you everywhere princess."

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