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aiden was finally back at school after his suspension and since everything happened he hadn't talked to anyone about belle. belle on the other hand hadn't returned back to school due to the fact she preferred not to have to deal with anyone's bullshit. isaac had also returned to school and was met with the principal suspending him for the same amount of time as chris for starting the fight.

therefore when aiden pulled up to school and belle wasn't with him everyone started asking him questions including the girls.

he ignored everyone and sometimes said remarks back to them but was mainly quiet as he walked up to the penetrators.

meanwhile belle was seated on her living room couch, headphones on her head as she ate sour patch kids. she lip synced to a lorde song with a smile on her face. cassie had gone to school after explaining everything that occurred with her and isaac. at first cassie begged belle to go to school with her but slowly realized belle wasn't mentally ready yet.

a knock on the door interrupted belle's train of thoughts. belle toke of her headphones, raising her eyebrows confused as to if she actually heard the knock.

she soon got up after hearing the knock again. belle opened the front door right as isaac came barging in.

"um hi?"" belle said but it sounded more like a question.

"i need to get out of here will you come with me?" isaac said getting straight to the point as he looked at belle with pleading eyes.

belle smirked, "of course."


belle was seated on the passenger side of the truck as isaac drove passed various stores. her hand stuck out of the window as she bounced her head to the music.

isaac had told her that he needed to leave their hometown for a few hours because he needed to get his mind of things. belle gratefully agreed needing the same exact thing. he told belle how his father assumed isaac was at school and that his mother was constantly working long shifts at the hospital she works at.

isaac had never really opened up about his family so this surprised her.

"you look like shit," belle admitted as she scanned his bruised face.

"thanks," he replied laughing, silenced followed after that.

"our life's are a bit fucked up right now huh." belle said sighing as isaac pulled up to a cliff that showcased a view of the city.

"i couldn't agree more." he said getting out of the car causing belle to follow him. isaac hoped in the back of the truck, laying his head on the back window. belle quickly joined him.

"there's a penetrator party this friday, are you going?" isaac asked looking at the girl as he blew smoke out of his mouth.

"i have no clue." belle responded as she toke a drink of her beer.

isaac looked at her and then the beer before speaking again, "does aiden know you're still drinking?"

belle looked at him and then the joint, "does cassie know you're still smoking?"

isaac simply laughed before taking another hit of the joint. the two stayed staring at the view of the city from morning until the moon came up.


"i don't know what the hell to do," chris confessed to william.

william looked over at his bestfriend before responding, "well for starters i wouldn't hook up with eva everytime belle isn't here. noora was telling me how she thinks eva has feelings for you. that's not good for anyone if she does."

chris rubbed his eyes. "i don't think she has feelings for me." he admitted.

william raised his eyebrows, "are you sure?"

"god damnit, i don't know!" chris said as he slammed his beer down on the coffee table.

william just laughed before taking a drink of his beer, "all the girls know you and eva are still hooking up."

chris' eyes went wide as he looked at william. "how?" he screamed.

"they guessed." william responded with a shrug.

"do you think belle will ever forgive me?" chris asked, sadness in his voice.

"well chris, you have to understand where she's coming from. you meant the world to her and you just threw that away. only time will tell whether she will forgive you or not." william said.

william watched as the boy sighed before speaking for the last time, "damn you're so whipped."


belle stumbled through the front door as she rubbed her eyes. she was not a light weight but she had drank a lot.

the clock read 10:57 pm as aiden walked out of his room. "belle? where've you been?" he asked the girl.

he watched as she stumbled towards him before fully noticing him. "hey pal!" she said as she stuck her hand out for a high five.

"damnit belle. you're drunk." aiden yelled as he refused to give belle a high five.

"actually you're drunk. i'm belle! also i'm going to sleep." belle said as she spun around resulting in her falling.

aiden sighed before picking her up and walking to her bedroom.

he arrived at her bedroom and dropped her on her bed, placing the covers over her body.

"why are you drinking?" aiden asked her.

"i'm tired." she said before rolling over, her back facing aiden.

"goodnight belle." aiden said as he got off her bed and turned off her lights. he turned towards the girl as she moved to the other side of the bed.

he slowly shut her door before her voice stopped him.

"goodnight! i love you chris." aiden opened the door all the way before looking at belle again, she was passed out.

he shut the door fully this time and walked to his bedroom lost in thought.

as much as he wanted to deny it it was true, belle was in love with chris and he was in love with her.

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