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belle sat on the window sill, glancing outside the window before continuing to draw the face.

it was a portrait of her mother which was half finished and colored, the other half was a simple pencil outline. she had worked on it yesterday night, and a little this morning.

people passed by her up the stairs not even acknowledging the brunette who didn't acknowledge them either.

she was actually keeping to herself until she heard various footsteps walking, than soon stop. belle glanced up, making eye contact with a group of girls.

they all began whispering to each other and shoving each other forward, trying to force someone to say the first word. a girl with medium blonde hair eventually silenced the group of girls and approached belle, the other girls following closely behind her.

"hello, are you belle vega? aiden's younger sister?" she asked as all the girls in the group exchanged glances.

"that would be me. do you need something?" belle asked as she closed her sketchbook then placed her pencils in her bag.

"oh i'm vilde. that's noora, chris, sana, and eva." she said sticking her hand out towards belle. belle reluctantly shook her hand, eyeing the group up and down.

"we were wondering if you would like to join our russ bus? we don't really have much people in our group." vilde said, a hopeful smile on her lips.

belle awkwardly looked between everyone in the group before muttering, "what the hell is a russ bus?"

the girls awkwardly looked between each other until a girl in a hat, which belle assumed was chris interjected. "we kinda just party and talk about things." chris said looking between the group and belle.

"that sounds like a lot of fun but i will greatly pass." belle said as she jumped off the windowsill. then walked up the stairs.

she heard all the girls let out gasps and soon began talking to each other. each person trying to get something in before the subject changed. they were all definitely not expecting that response.

"you know you're nothing like your brother?" the muslim girl of the group, sana said. "yes i suppose considering i don't sleep with everyone i meet," belle said her attention now fully on them.

some of the girls let out laughs, they were definitely starting to like belle. "just come to one meeting, tonight at 6. if you like it then stay, if you don't then you can leave." sana said.

"what's in it for me?" belle asked. sana had a big smile on her face "we won't bother you anymore,"

belle toke the offer then left to her art class, hoping she wouldn't regret her decision of saying yes.


belle arrived at her art class, they were painting with acrylic paint today something she enjoyed a lot. she toke a seat at her desk, pulled out her canvas, grabbed the materials she needed and begin painting the night sky.

belle wasn't sure why but her mind was constantly brought back to chris. meanwhile, chris was in a janitors closet making out with a random girl, his mind anywhere but on belle.

belle watched as she carefully painted streaks in the night sky. a nice girl by the name of dallas sat next to belle, mumbling a hello and continuing to paint her own painting.

the art teacher began talking but belle zoned out, just paying attention to the canvas. she watched as the crystal clear water turned to a dark blue as the paintbrush circled the water, it was quite relaxing.

she plugged her headphones into her phone under her desk and began humming to the neighborhood.

people came in and out of the classroom either heading to the restroom or delivering notes to the teacher. belle didn't pay attention at all because honestly she didn't really care.

then, she stayed like that, for the rest of the class period. calmness and happiness taking over her body as her mind was finally away from chris, cassie, isaac, aiden, noora, and all the other girls.

her mind was purely focused on her and her artwork. the only things she had when she had nothing else.

chris on the other hand had finally stopped making out with the girl who's name he didn't know. they shared a finale kiss, a genuine smile spread across her face as a fake smile spread across his.

she quickly exited the closet first, chris sitting there for awhile with swollen lips and disheveled hair. many thoughts running through his mind. he got up and gathered his backpack then left.

his eyes couldn't help but look at the brunette who was so concentrated on her artwork when he walked past the art room. he then opened the school door and left.

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