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belle straightened her white t-shirt as music could be heard in the background of her room. she placed her yellow converse on her feet, then tied her shoelaces. aiden was gone to a party of course leaving belle alone. she walked to her bathroom, quickly freshening up then grabbed her phone from the aux cord. her music suddenly could be heard very quietly from her phone.

she grabbed her purse and keys, walked to the front door, and shut it, then locked the door. she got in her car, a random overplayed song suddenly started blasting from the radio as soon as the car roared to life. she then drove out of the driveway, and left to eva's house.


belle walked up the stairs of the small modern house. she had a box of cookies clutched in one hand, the other hand holding her phone. she had never been invited to any social gathering unless it regarded family so she didn't quite know what to except.

she knocked on the front door, vilde soon opening it with a smile placed on her lips. "belle, you came!" she said as she pulled belle by the arm in the house.

"yea," belle said as she looked around the living room. chris b, eva, and sana sat on one long sofa while noora sat by herself. belle walked towards the girls, their conversations soon dying down as soon as they noticed her. "hello," noora said with a wave. belle placed the cookies on the coffee table and then waved back to the girls.

"okay, now that belle's here we can begin!" vilde excitingly exclaimed as she looked around at the girls. noora looked uninterested, eva was staring into space, sana was texting someone, and chris had the box of cookies clutched in her hands. chris made eye contact with belle and offered her the box which belle toke a cookie from.

"girls! c'mon. we have important matters to discuss." vilde said as she struggled to gain attention of the group of girls. "like?" sana asked, rolling her eyes.

"we need to party with the penetrators more if we want our social status to go up!" vilde exclaimed.

"okay, so then how about noora or eva hooks up with one of them again?" sana suggested which caused outbursts from most of the girls.

"the last time i went to a penetrator party i ended up making out with chris and jonas broke up with me! i'm not doing that again." eva yelled as noora agreed with her.

"exactly so that's when belle comes into play." vilde said as all the girls then turned towards belle.

"me?" belle asked, looking between all the girls to make sure they were all on the same page.

"yes you. your brother is aiden, correct." sana said, reminding the girl.

"yes bu- then ask him if you can go to one of his parties." sana said as if it was the easiest thing in the world.

"it's easier said then done sana. my brother is rather protective and he wouldn't just let me waltz into a party. especially a penetrator one. if i even went to any party one of the penetrators would immediately tell my brother." belle said.

"it doesn't hurt to try." chris b said as all the girls agreed with her.


"belle, you have to take control of your own life! aiden doesn't control you and he doesn't make decisions for you. this is your life not his." sana said cutting belle off again.

"okay," belle said sighing as she nervously toke a bite out of her second chocolate chip cookie.

that night belle left eva's house already knowing the conversation with aiden would not go well at all.

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