❁3-What does that even mean?❁

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'If u beep once more I swear I will make sure you can never beep again' I thought as my alarm clock went off.

Yay. Cross country meets.

With much difficulty, I got out of bed. I looked out the window to see if it was sunny, and it was.

"Stupid weather." I mumbled. One day you rain. The next you shine. Make a decision.

I pulled on my black running shorts along with a red sports bra and the jersey on top. I grabbed some Nike socks and put on some flip flops as I grabbed my running bag and headed down stairs.

My mom was still asleep. That's good. She didn't hear me last night, which is odd considering how I woke myself up. That's never happened before. Well, I guess I should blame Zander for calling me and waking me up with my Miley Cyrus ring tone.

I grabbed a banana and grabbed my red lanyard with my keys on it to my car. Fiona and I take turns carpooling. It's my week to drive to sports.

I peeled my banana shoving it in my mouth as I opened the garage letting light in. My black little car {A/N once again I don't do cars. .lol} was as shiny as ever as I opened the back doors throwing my bag in and opening the front car doors getting in. I started the car and backed out, heading my way to Fiona's.


Fiona and I arrived at the park where the meet would be held. We grabbed our bags and I locked the car heading over to where our team was forming. Zander was there too.

"Teagan! Oh my gosh!" My friend Crystal said.

"Yes?" I asked slightly puzzled that everyone was staring at me.

"You won't believe who joined the team!" She said.

I locked eyes with Zander who was staring at me with a blank stare.

"Yah I know." I said looking away.

"Oh. Well you better hurry. Your race starts soon!" Crystal said as everyone went about there business.

I sat my stuff down getting ready for my two mile race. Not to brag, but this is my race, I win it every time.

Let the races begin.


A group of girls, including me, stood at the start/finish line ready to race. The man shot the gun, and we were off.


I was less than 10 yards away from the finish line, finishing first because of the huge lead I had. I sprinted these last yards as I crossed the finish line.

I waited for the rest of the girls to finish, cheering them on and high-fiveing them.

We received our medals. I got a trophy along with it since I won. As I walked back with everyone saying 'good job' I noticed something. Rebecca was here. Wearing a jersey, a cross country jersey.

And the worst part. She was all over Zander.

This seemed to fuel my anger, and I clenched my fist. She was standing next to a fountain, smiling and giggling.

I hope she falls in.

Without warning, Rebecca lost her balance and fell back right into the fountain. That was odd. I looked around, people were laughing. That's when I noticed my hands were clenched together in fist. I released it and took a deep breath.

Ha. What comes around goes around. Serves her right.

I looked at Zander, who was looking at me like I was an alien. And then, he looked away, and walked to the coach.

Weird kid.


By the time Fiona finished her race, we headed home.

We walked into my house and my mom was in the kitchen eating PB & J while watching the news.

"It appears Gattaca is at it again folks! He put out the fire in the fire department!" Said the news anchor. "Here's Tom with an exclusive interview!"

Fiona screamed and ran towards the tv. "MY FUTURE HUSBAND!"

My mom laughed and turned it up.

"So, Gattaca. You're at it again. What's it like to save the people from fire who save people from fire?"

"What does that even mean...?" I muttered.

"Shut up T!" Fiona said.

"Well Tom, I consider it like any other saving. I put out a fire for people in danger. " Gattaca said. He was tall and muscular with lime green eyes that stand out with blonde hair. Once again. The dude was hot.

"Cool." Tom said.

Wow. This guy gets paid to do this? I could do better than this.

"So, have you ever fallen in love with someone, but then you realize it can never happen because you're too busy?" Tom asked.

Way to be blunt.

Gattaca's facial expression became sad, even angry.

"Have a wonderful day." Gattaca said, and he flew away. Literally.

"There ya have it folks...." Tom began.

"Can we go now?" I asked Fiona.

She was silent.


"Good luck." my mom laughed at me.

"Thanks." I muttered dragging my best friend behind me.



Meh. It's kinda a filler but I hope you enjoyed it.

Rebecca to the right--->

[[ 9-21-14: so I reread the first couple chapters, and I just want to point out that I know there's errors. And i wrote these first chapters when I was in eight grade, so as the story progresses, so does my writing. So if your like me and get annoyed when the writing has fragment and stuff, just bare with me and continue. I swear it gets 100000000 times better]]

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