❁18-How many calories are in marshmallows?❁

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"Laying on the floor with nothing but a plastic cover to protect you from animals and bugs at night sound fun to you?" Fiona said like that was the most incredulous thing ever. She was currently helping me put all my belongings in the back of Brandon's truck as the so called 'gentlemen' jam to their music. I just laughed at her, and continued to lug my heavy stuff into the bed of the truck.

"Yes, that's what camping's all about Fiona," I said setting down my sleeping bag, "and the s'mores. Those things are heaven."

She just rolled her eyes and put the last of my stuff in the back along with the rest of the groups. We proceeded to the back of truck and buckled up.

"I'm so pumped," Eric began, "I can't wait to swim in the lake."

"Yeah dude, Senior Camping day is going to be epic!" Brandon said starting the car and pulling out of my drive way. Now I know what your thinking, 'what about your nightmares?!?!' But have no fear. I brought about six cans of Monster. Meaning I'm going to stay up all night reading the book I brought. Sounds rough, but I can't miss Senior Camping. It's my favorite senior activity, and I've been looking forward to it since freshman year.

"Well I can't wait to get my sun tan on while you guys swim." I smiled.

"We could teach you how to swim?" Brandon said in a hopeful voice.

"Like that'll happen. I tried that sixth grade year. I still have a scar from her scratching me. This girls a fighter." Fiona laughed.

"What can I say? I don't go down without a fight." I smirked till I heard my stomach let out an unpleasant noise. "And apparently neither does my food." I hugged my stomach and closed my eyes. Oh great, we have a three hour road trip up curvy roads and I'm pretty sure I'm car sick. This is just my luck.

"Don't you dare puke in Rachel." Brandon said sternly.

"That just sounds wrong dude." Eric shook his head.

"Glad to know you care about my well being." I said sarcastically.

"I care. Now please be quiet my song is on. Brandon turn it up." Fiona said poking his shoulder.

I rolled my eyes. I can always count on her.


"Your kidding." Fiona said clearly pissed. "We are not sleeping in that death trap."

I don't see the big deal, it's just a tent. It's a two man red tent, sitting right next to the boys tent. They're were five sections in the campground, with only four tents each section. My tent, the boys tent, Hannah's tent, and some boy I don't really know's-I think his name is Brett- tent. We arrived after five, so we figured we'd stay a little later tomorrow and go swimming/sun tanning later. For now, we were just starting our campfire for s'mores. Fiona and I were currently fetching the wood as Brandon and Eric tried to find a match or lighter.

"I heard Rebecca's tent is in section Two, so we don't have to worry about her." She said stacking another stick on my arms.

"Where did you hear that?" I said stumbling a bit. "And we don't even know what section we're in. The sign was to dark to read."

"Well my friends' cousins' girlfriends' dog walkers' sister said she looked at the sheet." Fiona said all in one breath. "She works for the school."

I almost laughed. "Well that doesn't seem like a reliable source."

"Honey, it's the only reliable source your going to get." She said putting yet another stick in my hands. The weight was starting to get really heavy now.

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