❁7- What's sarcasm?❁

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A/n: heyyyy;) so here's the next chapter! Enjoy. And also, ignore any spell checks. I try my best to triple check for them, but some slip by. And also, when I write on my ipod, it likes to mix up "in" and "on" a lot. And believe me, those could seriously change the topic of the sentence...lol. But anyways, please enjoy :


        It's been a little over two weeks since the accident. My body is almost back to normal, and the doctors said they were extremely surprised how quickly I healed. Even my wrist, it was now in just a brace, it was healing tremendously.

        And the stalker still hasn't talked, meaning he won't say why he stalked me. Believe me, I told the cops that I could get that guy to talk using Teagans way. But apparently my way is against the law. What can ya do?

        And my mother is 100% back to normal. Whenever I talked about that night , or brought up hints about it, she would talk about her headache and how she took medicine to make her sleep that night. Still a bit disturbed from it, obviously, but I have so much stress going on right now in my life.

        It was currently 5:30 am in the morning on a Sunday, and I had stayed up all night working on a college application. I wrote two essays, and filled out a lot of paper work. I feel like my head is going to explode! No joke.

        I groaned, and laid back on my bed.

        "I can't. I just can't" I muttered. Being a senior sometimes sucks.

        I looked around my room for anything to help distract me. That's when I saw my Nike running shoes.


        I got up and changed out of my pajama pants and tank top into an appropriate running outfit, and slipped on my shoes. I grabbed my phone and headphones, ran out of my house into my backyard, and began my descent into the woods. I have a normal routine, so don't worry. I know where I'm going.

        I passed by the familiar trees, as the sun began to rise. I stopped to take a breath momentarily and enjoy the view of the sunrise. It's a very beautiful sight, with the birds chirping and flying around. I smiled to myself, and began to run again.

        Leave it to running to take my mind off things.

        I obviously wasn't looking where I was going, because I ran into a stone hard tree and fell back on my butt.

        "Ow" I muttered. "Stupid tree"

        I looked up to see, that no, it was not a tree. It was a human. No doubt in the male gender; that I could tell even though he was standing by the sun, making it hard to see much. He was Brown haired, muscular, tall and lean. He appeared to be laughing? His shoulders shook with a deep chuckle.

        "You are most definitely not a tree..." I said puzzled.

        "Hey Teagan"said a familiar voice.

        "Uh. Do I know you?" I asked attempting to get up. He stuck out his hand and I took it. He pulled me up with ease.

        "I certainly hope you haven't forgotten your new friend?" He said with a smile. He looked so dang cute with a smile. And his eyes. HYPNOTIZING.

        "Zander" I smiled. "How could I ever forget a fellow like you?!"

        He laughed at this and looked around. It was odd to see him smile. Not that I'm complaining or anything, it makes him look even more handsome. But this was out of his character.

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