❁19-Im sorry, what?❁

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"Are you ready for the Cross Country meet?" Fiona asks me as we make our way to where the meet is being held. I quickly switch lanes on the freeway.

"Yeah I guess," I shrugged, "I think there's going to be college scouts."

"Are you kidding me? They won't even notice me with you there. Teagan, you're like a running machine, I don't understand." She said slightly chuckling.

I laughed at her. "I don't know, Zander is pretty good at running too." I pointed out as I exited off the free way.

"That reminds me, Rebecca is going to die at the meet. She can't even run and she's missed all the practices. It's a three mile run!" Fiona shrieked.

Rebecca only joined the team to get on my nerves, and to also get closer to Zander. And she succeeded in both, causing me to be even angrier. The girl can't even run!

"You know, as captain you can kick her off the team." Fiona said smugly.

"You know I don't believe in that." I said shaking my head. When I was younger, I played on a soccer team with a bunch of other girls my age. The only thing was, I was too shy to actually play so the captain kicked me off the team because she was 'tired of me sitting on the bench'. I was so sad, because even though I didn't play, I still enjoyed being on the team and hanging out with everyone. So to prevent anyone from feeling the same way as me, I promised that if I was ever a Captain I wouldn't kick anyone off...even if they deserve it.

"But she deserves it though! Teagan seriously, kick her off the team." Fiona said pulling out sun block from her bag and applying it to her face.

"Or we could watch her suffer through the three miles...." I said smirking.

She matched my face and we laughed, "Yeah, let's do that."

I pulled into the packed parking lot, searching for a open spot. Once I spotted it, I quickly snatched it and pulled in. "Don't look to your right," Fiona said with big eyes, "I'm not joking."

"Fiona what-"I look to my right out the passenger door window and saw a couple making out. It wasn't till I noticed that this 'couple' was Zander and Rebecca that my heart sank.

Don't let it get to you, Teagan.

I just nodded my head and proceeded to exit the car. I've been trying to accept the fact that Zander wants Rebecca, and that I should be happy for him. But part of me wants to wreck their relationship, which would result in getting revenge on the both of them. Without Zander in my life, I just feel so...empty. Sure I've got other friends, but none of them can replace him. He is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and he's slowly slipping from my grasp because of something he claims I did.

"I'm sorry...." Fiona said softly. "I tried to warn you."

I nodded my head. "It's okay. Let's just focus on the race and the scouts."

We began to walk towards the other people on the team who were stretching. I sat my stuff down and told them I was going to go sign us in. I walked towards the tent, and wrote down my schools name as I overheard a few men speaking quietly.

"Apparently, everyone is expecting a girl, who goes by the name of Teagan White to break the three mile record." Said man #1.

"I heard that too. She must be good, because the high school record in the county is twenty four minutes and thirty two seconds." Man #2 said doubting that someone can beat the time.

"There's no way she can do it!" Man #1 said laughing.

"Excuse me," I said interrupting, "I happen to know this, Teagan white, and if I were you, I wouldn't doubt her running skills." My need to defend myself kicked in. I don't think that I will be able to actually beat the time, but I felt that I needed to defend myself. A three mile run in twenty four minutes is a really good time. My three mile run is normally in the late twenty five to early twenty six minutes. But still, they don't even know me and they don't think I can do it.

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