❁13- Are you okay?❁

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No one listened. They all continued to go about their business, completely oblivious to the fact that they were in serious danger. So I tried again. "There's a fire!" But it was no use, my voice was too soft to hear over the music. The DJ table was way too loud, but if I could get to it, I could shut it down. So I began my adventure through the large group of people interfering between my pathway to the table. Now I was in a rush, for obvious reasons, and people were just not letting me pass by. And the fact that I'm small didn't help, because it was like moving boulders getting through them.

I elbowed my way through, letting out random apologies here and there until I was half way there. This was not going to work. I started to turn around, but I lost my track of thought and had no idea which way heads back. I was surrounded by people, and I needed to warn them about the fire.

"Teagan!" Said a voice. I turned around and almost let out a squeal of glee. There was Fiona, dancing like a drunk girl with Richard.

"Fiona! Fiona listen to me," I said pushing past people to make my way over to her, " There's a fire at the school, and we need to get everybody out of here!"

She looked like she had been slapped in the face, because she untangled herself from Richard and looked me in the eyes.

"Your serious?" She questioned.

I nodded my head. "Why would I lie about something like this?"

Her serious face was replaced with a look of fright. "We need to get everyone out of here!"

"I know. But it's dark and I have no idea where the DJ table is and no one can hear me over the music-"

"You find the table, and I'll go around telling people to leave, okay?" She asked.

"Okay." I said turning around.

Now to find the DJ table. I don't understand why this is so hard, and why I feel like a ant surrounded by giants. I'm pretty tall, so it should be easy peasy.

Think Teagan, think!

Well the flashing lights would have to come from the table right? So all I have to do is find the source of the lights and I find the table. I looked around, and ran towards the source, pushing people in my way. So close! I could smell the smoke, and I had a feeling people thought it was just the fog machine.

Hurry up Teagan.

I was so close, but my weight was lifted and I felt hands lifts me up and carry me around.

I let out a scream of shock, and looked down to see Eric and a bunch of his friends lifting me up and passing me along to other people. I was surfing the crowd.

You have got to be kidding me.

"Put me down!" I yelled as loud as I could, but they didn't. I saw the DJ table in front of me, but I was getting farther and farther away from it.

"Stop!" I screamed. "I need to get to the DJ!"

"She must really want to request a song!" I heard some girl laugh.

This is unbelievable! Was everyone drunk here?! Why can't there idiotic brains comprehend that I'm trying to save their sorry butts?!

I was out of ideas, and these people were too oblivious to the fact that it's smokey in the gym and there's no fog machine. If only I could tell them! The music just needs to shut up!

I clenched my fist together about to punch something when the music let out a loud, ear aching screech. Then it stopped, and the the equipment went up into flames.

Everyone screamed, and it was like a stampede as everyone ran to the gym doors that lead out towards the parking lot. And me, being on top of people, fell to the ground on my side and assumed the 'Armadillo' position as people ran over me, literally. I was getting trampled as people stepped on the side of my stomach and fell on to of me. One person even stepped on my bad wrist, and that caused me to scream.

I felt and arm wrap around my waist, and I was pulled up effortlessly into a warm body. I didn't care who it was at the moment, but I just wrapped my arms around the body and hid my face in their neck as more and more people pushed by us rudely. People were screaming bloody murder, and I felt a hand on the back if my head in a protective manner. I'm guessing its a boy, not only because the body was muscular, but I was pressed up flat against the chest, and it didn't have any fat if you know what I mean. Just very toned pecks...

"The doors are locked!" Screamed a male voice.

"We're stuck!" One yelled, and followed that was many cries of fright.

"Calm down!" Said a very loud and stern voice. Everyone quieted down, and focused their attention on the source of the voice. I too looked up, but everyone was staring at me. Startled, I let out a cough. I realized I was still tangled up with the boy who helped me. I looked up to Zander, having a look of confidence. He must've been the one to get everyone's attentions.

I took a step away from him, and stared at my nails nervously. Everyone just saw me pretty much cuddle with him. How embarrassing.

"What do we do?!" Someone in the back of the crowd yelled up. This caused an uproar of people arguing about what to do.

"Hey!" Zander said in a powerful tone that I had never heard before. He seemed in control, and confident in himself. "Calm down. We need to calm down. The fires seemed to be out. So we are safe. We're just locked inside the gym. But we have food and water, enough to last the night. I don't know why there aren't any teachers," he frowned, "but they have to pick up our mess tomorrow. So all we have to do is last the night. So everybody go find a place to sleep." Nobody moved, all too afraid at the moment. "Now."

And with that, everyone set out to find a place around the gym to sleep. I looked around for Fiona to see her running towards me. I hugged her and let out a sigh if relief.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

Now that I thought about it, my wrist was hurting and the side of my face felt swollen from someone stepping on it.

"Yeah," I lied, " Are you?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Let's find a place to sleep, okay?" She said.

My stomach sank, and I wanted to vomit. I can't sleep. Not in a room full of terrified people.

"Sure." I put on a fake smile.

I turned around, suddenly realizing something.

"Zander?" I asked walking up to him.

"Yeah?" He said.

"How did you know there was more than one fire?" I asked. I was the only one who saw it since I was alone in the hallway and bathroom.

"I could smell smoke before the DJs table went up in flames." He said. "Which is strange. How did it catch fire?"

I thought about it. "Maybe it was over heated?"

"Maybe..." He said studying my face. "Maybe." And with that he walked away.

I stood there, like an idiot I might add, in shock. He didn't do anything wrong, but I felt like I was slapped in the face. He looked at me like he didn't even know me, like I had changed in the last hour since he had last seen me. As if he didn't trust me.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, literally made my heart sink.


So here yah goooooo. I think this chapter is actually okay. It was interesting to write.

So yay it's summer. HOORAY. Here's a free virtual ice cream:) * hands it to you* enjoy.

Smile and stay strong for me please:)

Peace out.

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