❁4- Please put me down?❁

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        "OMG! I can't wait! What bikini do I wear?! The black one or the pink one? Ugh this is so hard!" Fiona cries out as we pack for our senior day at the beach today.

        I for one am wearing a dark purple bikini, with a black crop top that says "Can you not" with blue jean shorts and my black flip flops.

        We need to leave in literally five minutes, and Fiona hasn't even picked out her swimsuit!

        "FOR GOODNESS SAKE FIONA GO WITH THE PINK ONE AND CALL IT A DAY" I said pulling out my phone.

        "Someone's grumpy." she muttered. She went into my bathroom to change as I grabbed my car keys. A bunch of our friends were parked in my driveway waiting for us. I looked out the window and saw them chatting among  themselves.

        I even saw Eric smack Trisha's butt. But that's not what caught my eye. I saw Zander getting in his car. I didn't think he would come. He's a new student, he couldn't have made that many friends all in one day to actually go to beach?! Oh who am I kidding. The guys going to be a jock, no doubt. So I guess it's only natural that he becomes friends with everyone. As if he sensed me watching him, he turned toward me and we made awkward eye contact.

        TURN AWAY.

        As much as I wanted too, I couldn't do it. I stared down at him. And he stared at me.

        "How do I look?" Fiona squealed as she exited the bathroom.

        I broke eyesight and backed away giving her my full attention.

        "Gorgeous. Now may we go?" I said smiling.

        "Of course." she smiled back.


        Have I mentioned I hate swimming? I love the beach, but not the water. Sun bathing, volley ball, all that stuff is fun. But swimming is a big no no. I've had a bad past with the ocean. Let's just say, do not try to surf a wave when your 4 with a boogie board. Stuff goes down. And the fact that I can't swim...

        When we arrived right next to the pier, some people were already there and out in the water. Fiona and I sat down our towels and laid on them after taking off our cover-ups.

        "Cute guy, twelve o'clock!" She whispered.

        Sure enough, here comes Eric, the biggest player at our school and a complete jerk.

        "Fiona, Teagan, looking good.." He said in a stereotypical voice.

        Fiona giggled and I rolled my eyes.

        "Go away butt nugget." I said as I turned around and laid on my stomach.

        "I just wanted to know if you wanted to go swimming" he said.

        "I'll go!" Fiona said.

        "Teagan?" He asked.

        "Nope" I said popping the P.

        "Why not?" He asked.

        "Uh because I said so. You deaf?" I snapped.

        "Well then..." He said getting quiet. I assumed he walked away and closed my eyes again.

        I let out a yelp as two arms wrapped around my body and pulled me up over a shoulder.

        "ERIC" I yelled. I hit his back but he wouldn't put me down.

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