❁11- You getting on or what?❁

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        Fiona ran into my room that night with fright written all over her face. I remember one time when we were little, Fiona pushed me out of a tree and my arm was literally bent the opposite way. She was so frightened, and she pulled the same face she has right now.

        "Hey, what's-"

        She yanked my arm and dragged me out of my position on my bed, and down to the stairs.

        "Ok." I said recovering from the sudden force. "Would you like to hear about my night with Zander and his lovely parents?" Maybe that's what this is about. She's mad because I didn't give her the details of what occurred two hours ago.

        "Shut up T, this is serious." She said in a tone I'm not familiar with. That's when I started freaking out.

        "What happened?" I said in a soft voice.

        She turned on the TV to the News Channel.

        "Watch." She commanded.

        I turned my focus to the tv.

        "' Breaking News of the people in San Clemente.'" Said the news reporter. "'There has been a huge explosion on the pier, and police suspect that it was no accident. You heard right, someone set the bomb.'"

        "But-" I began but Fiona shushed me. "Listen!" She cried.

        "'After RED was defeated, all evil things and thoughts were demolished. But now more people are getting influenced under something evil. Does that mean there is a new villain in town? Is this villain even more greater and powerful than RED? Or is he returning stronger and more powerful? Back to you Stan.'" The tv turned black.

        I was quiet for a moment. This must be what Gattaca was so scared about. Is something evil starting to spur?

        "This is bad." Fiona said after a long period of silence.

        "Yah no kidding." I said sarcastically.

        "Teagan stop. Now's not the time to be sarcastic!" She said obviously stressed about this.

        "Relax. Your bf will save us...again." I sad referring to Gattaca.

        "UGH!" She said angrily. "Teagan. If Gattaca barely beat RED, and this dude is even better than him, what are the odds of him defeating the evil culprit!?"

        I looked down at my feet. She has a point. When RED was defeated three years ago,Gattaca was badly injured. Like he was off the map for two months healing.

        "Okay I get your point." I muttered.

        She let out a deep sigh. "Look, I'm tired and we need to get to sleep. I'm going to lay down on your bed." She said.

        "No!" I yelled. Fiona doesn't know that I have nightmares. Ah shoot. Since there more evil out there, does that mean my nightmares are going to be worse?

        "Teagan. We've been best friends since we were little kids and we haven't had one sleepover. Don't you think that's weird?" She questioned.

        I need to tell her. But I can't. I can't burden her with this, well at least not yet.

        "Look Fiona, we both know I'm bad with sleepovers." I said studying my nails. Why haven't I gotten a manicure?

        "One day...one day..." She muttered leaving my house through the front door.

        "I hope so...." I said to myself.

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