❁ 15-Am i okay?❁

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         Eric had invited me and my mother to his dad's funeral. It was being held at the local cemetery a few miles from my house. The only strange thing is that we were to wear blue instead of black. The blue represented water, and since his dad was a firefighter, water suited it. Eric wants his dad to be remembered as a towns hero, who lost his life saving another. I thought it was a sweet idea, and so did my mother. We were currently parked in the parking lot waiting to get out. My mom was trying to mentally prepare herself for the tears that have yet to come, and I was going over in my head of what to say when I see Eric. He seemed his usual self at the Senior Dinner Dance, but a part of me thinks that it was all an act.

        "Okay, I'm ready." My mom said taking a deep breath and opening the car door. I followed her actions and opened my door, taking a deep breath of the damp pavement and the moist air. It was raining today, but I have a feeling that Eric and his mother planned it on this day because it was going to rain. Rain was water, and water kills fire.

        It was a small funeral, only family and close family friends were invited. A dark glossy coffin lay in the middle of a square made of chairs, and in the front row sat Eric, along with his mother trying to keep from crying. As soon as he saw me, he got up and walked over to me and gave me a hug.

        "How's it going big guy." I whispered in his ear.

        I heard him sniffle. "Just dandy."

        I pulled back and looked him in the eyes. "I'll be right by your side...well maybe a couple seats away, but mentally I'll be right by your side,k?"

        He cracked a small smile. "K."

        We went and sat down, and waited for the funeral to begin. And when it did, I think it was safe to say everyone was crying.

        "And now, Miss Teagan will say a few words." Said Eric's mom, Mrs. Smith.

        My eyes went big. Why did I have to speak?! Eric never told me! I stood up and gave him the evil eye as I walked towards the podium. Even though there wasn't a lot of people here, I still was nervous. I hadn't prepared anything, and my tongue seemed to be dry. Oh god, here goes nothing.

        "Ladies and gentlemen. Heaven gained an angel, who will be watching over his family and friends hopefully with a smile on his face." I said nervously, and the crowd let out a little chuckle. "Mr. Smith was a great man, and his son Eric is a great man also. I have no doubt that he will end up like his daddy. It's not fair, that this happened to the Smith family, but I hope that they remember that God has a plan for us all. We are all flowers in Gods garden, and he gets to decide when he wants to pick us. Mr. Smith, died by saving a little boy from a fire. And I bet you that the reason he risked his life when he knew the odds of him getting out of there were low, because he was thinking he would want someone to do it for his little boy. Now this little boy gets to tell the story of how a very brave man saved him from a fire, and his legacy will live forever. And I had a surprise to give to the Smith family after this , but I guess I will give it to you now. In dedication for Mr.Smith and his act if bravery, his name will be on a plaque at the towns square, where everyone will remember him and his brave act."

        It was quiet, and I was starting to think I said the wrong thing but Eric and his mother ran up to me and gave me a huge hug.

        "Thank you!" They said sobbing. "Thank you so much Teagan."

        I nodded my head, and we went and sat back down. The funeral continued, and soon it was over.

        "Teagan!" Eric yelled running over.

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