❁20-Is it a boy?❁

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"My god woman. Eat a piece of bacon." Fiona muttered as I took a bite of my apple. She rolled her eyes, shoveling another spoonful of cereal into her mouth before eating a piece of bacon.

"Why would I do that?" I asked sarcastically. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." I took another bite before I sat down on my couch and took off my running shoes. This morning I had went for a small run to the water fall and back. When I got back, I saw Fiona shoving her face into a cake that my mom baked as a 'Congrats you got a scholarship!' present. Fiona eats the worst food, so I wasn't surprised that she was eating cake for breakfast. Anything that screams 'Junk food!' To her she eats it. Sure she eats healthy sometimes, but she just has a thing for junk food.

"Oh the news should be on by now." She said, gesturing her head towards the TV in front of me. I turned it on, and quickly turned up the volume so we could hear better.

"'With more evil rising, more people begin to leave town.'" A news reporter said. "'From the blown up parking lot last week that injured many to a murder with a big red R painted on his forehead. Is this a symbol of the new villain?'"

Fiona gasped at this, as if a certain thought had just occurred to her. "You don't think...."

I sighed sadly. "I certainly hope it isn't."

"'People are doubting our towns hero, Gattaca and saying that he was lucky last time when he barely defeated RED. We have a personal interview coming up in the next five minutes with none other, Gattaca. Back to you Steve.'" The news reporter finished by putting a fake smile on her face.

"This is bad." Fiona muttered.

"It could be worse," I said trying to lighten the mood, "at least it's not the end of the world."

"Teagan this is important. Do you know how much pressure is on my boo?" She said sadly.

I felt a wave of guilt wash over me. Gattaca is Fiona's crush. She doesn't even know him, but she's practically in love with him. And I've been talking to him and getting to know him behind her back. What kind if best friend am I? And I've thought about this, just telling her about our conversations; but I feel like I have a special connection with him, and it's only between us. I've gotten to know his feelings, and how actually sweet he is. Call me selfish, but aren't we all at some moments?

"I'm sorry." I said, fulling knowing that there is a double meaning to that apology.

"'Good morning everyone, I'm Janet and I'm going to interview the one and only Gattaca!'" Janet called as she walked over to where Gattaca was standing. His blond hair styled in the cutest yet messiest way possible and His disguise (or costume) showed off his defined muscles on his torso and arms. His eyes were a bright lime green, and he looked almost nervous. I instantly felt bad for him, he probably didn't want to do this interview. "'So, Gattaca. How old are you?'"

"'Im eighteen.'" He said quickly.

"'Really? So your still in school?'" Janet asked.

"'Yes. I'm a senior.'"

Fiona screamed, and I let out a yell of fright. "Why are you screaming?"

"He's my age! I thought he might be some really old yet attractive dude but he's my age!" She squealed happily.

"'Do you go to school? Your not home schooled?'" Janet asked.

"'Im a normal guy. I go to school.'" He replied. I noticed a certain tone in his voice, but I couldn't place it. He was keeping his answers vague, almost as if he wasn't sure of what he was doing.

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