❁28-Are you just jealous?❁

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The bright red and blue lights flashed through the windows of my house. The sirens that had been going off for the past half hour were starting to sound very annoying. Meanwhile, Fiona descended the stairs in a pair of fresh clothes and wet hair. Zander was sitting on the couch as I was pacing back and forth in the living room.

"Are you feeling better?" I asked, rushing over to her and wrapping my arms around her.

"Yeah, I'm good." She said in a small voice. "Why are the police still here?"

Zander finally spoke up. "They're still observing the scene. It was a huge wreck so I'm not surprised. RED is capable of a lot more than he's letting on."

I stared at him, trying to read his facial expression. He hasn't spoken a word since the incident. It makes me wonder why though. Is it because we almost kissed? Is he regretted even trying to kiss me? I took a deep sad breath, and tried to focus my attention on Fiona. She was the one who witnessed the incident, and she the one who got a bucket of missing people's blood poured on her. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't help her?

"I'll make you some tea?" I said, wrapping the giant red flannel around my body, trying to cover up my exposed body. I hadn't changed out of my swim suite, and thinking about it I probably should have, but I just couldn't think. I didn't really know how to process this and accept it. And the sad part? This is all my fault. I was the one who doubted RED. I was the one who was sassy to him and doubted his capabilities.

"Chai with extra milk?" She said in a soft hopeful voice.

"Of course." I smiled at her.

In all the years I have seen Fiona, I have never seen her so-so fragile. She's broken, and I don't blame her. RED had set fire to the forest, using his powers to bring chaos. He shredded trees with the flick of a finger, and he pulled a tree out of the ground and flung it in the water, barely missing Zander and I. That's all Fiona said, but I had a feeling she was holding something back. Something important.

"I'll help." Zander said, following me into the kitchen. The police lights weren't that bright in here, but you could see the police men walking in and out of the forest, bringing back evidence.

"I can manage one cup of tea, Zander." I said, gritting my teeth. I don't know why, but I was angry.

He didn't say anything. He sat on the counter, staring at me as I made the tea.

"Zander, I'm serious." I said. "You should keep Fiona company, I don't want her to be alone in her state-"

"Are you okay?" He asked after a while.

"I'm perfectly fine, but Fiona-"

"I understand, but we need to talk." He said getting off the counter. The milk was microwaving in the microwave as I stood staring at it. It circled around and around, making sure it all gets heated up. I sensed a body moving next to me, facing me.

"What?" I snapped. "Talk about what?"

He gave me a blank look. "We need to talk about what happened in the water."

"Great." I said. "You see, somehow I hoped that this wouldn't happen but it did. I get it, you regret trying to kiss me and you want to stay friends." I turned to face him. "Let's-"

I was interrupted, however, by his lips. He pressed them to mine quickly, molding our lips to be one. My lips tingled from the contact, and I felt his hands wrap around my exposed waist tentatively. I kissed him back, probably a little more passionately then I should have but he responded the same. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him even closer to me as he possibly could. My stomach was fuzzy, but it was a good fuzzy. Like the moment you finish your speech in front of class; relief, assurance, happiness.

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