Magcon Kidnappd me?

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Tia's pov

I was sitting on couch watching Toy Story with my 4 year old sister. I look at my phone. 5:20.

" Sierra, I should start supper, what do want?"

" CHEZ BUGEAZ!" she yells making me laugh. As soon as I stand up I hear a window crash. I quickly turn to Sierra. She is still watching Toy Story. I slowly walk to the broken window. I see 9 figures hop in the house. I quickly tip toe back to Sierra. I grab the T.V remote and I shut the T.V off.

" HE-" Sierra yells. I cover her mouth.

" Shut up. There are guys in the house. We need to leave" I whisper. She nodds her head. We run to tge door.

" Where do you think your going?" I hear a boy say. I freeze. I turn around and see a well built boy standing 5 feet away from us. I dont reaspon. He walks closer to me.

" GUYS I FOUND 2 GIRLS!" He yells. 8 boys come in and look at me and Sierra. I count them. 9. 9 boys are going to rape us. Great. One boy comes and picks up Sierra. Another boy comes and keeps me in one spot. Sierra is kicking the boy who is holding her.

" Let her go" I say in a stern voice. They look at me.

" Let.Her.Go" I say clenching my teeth together. He slowly puts her down. She comes running to me and she hugs my leg. I hug her back. The boy holding me lets  go of my shoulders.

" Cameron, what do we do, they have seen our faces" A boy says whispering into his ear. Cameron turns and whispers something back to him. I didnt hear. he nodda and walks out.I look at Sierra who is shaking like a lost scared puppy. The same guy walks in holding a bat. My eyes widen. I shove Sierra behind me. And I move closer to the door. He walks closer to me. I pick up Sierra and I open the door. I jolt out of the house and down the sidewalk. I look behind and ses them chasing me. I turn back around and I run into something.

" Fudge!" I scream holding my face.

" TIA RUN!" my sister yells at me.

" Sierra. You run. Keep running and dont stop no matter what. If im not back here tonight, Go to Grandma's and stay there. Ok. I love you so much!" I say so fast I cant understand myself. I push her and she runns away. Far away. I look at the boys who are still running. I turn around and hhit the same thing as before. I feel arms pick me up and I am thrown in a vehical.

" DRIVE!" I hear a boy yell as the vehical drives. I open my eyes and see all the boys looking at me.

" Let me out" I say moving away from them. I look at Cameron who is staring at me like im a alien.

" We cant do that" A boy with a southern accent says.

" And why not?"

" Then your going to run and report us to the cops." Cameron says.

" Can I atleast know your names?" they nodd.

" Im Cameron" ha very fit boy says.

" Im Nash" the southern accent boy says.

" Im Matthew" a blonde hair boy says.

" Im Carter" A korean guy says.

" Im Shawn"

" Im Taylor"

" Im Jack"

" And im Jack"

" Im Aaron"

" And this is my brother Hayes" Nash says pointing to guy in the front seat. He waves. I dont wave back.

" Can we get your name?"  Matt asks.

" Tia." I whisper.

" Who was the other girl?" Matt asks.

" You ask to much questions. And she was my sister. Sierra." Matt nodds.

" So, whats your plan?" I ask looking at Cameron.

" We take you. And thats it."

" Well you already took me. So let me off now"

" Wait, dont you know us?" Nash asks

" NO I dont know you!? YOU JUST KIDNAPPD ME!"

" She isnt a fangirl?" Taylor whispers to Cameron.

" I can hear you." I say looking out the the front window. We are right in the middle of no where. I look back at the boys.

" Where is your sister" Matt asks. I look at him.

" Stop asking me damn questions."

" Sorry"

" But  seriously where iis she?" Matt says sounding pissed.

" You arnt going to find her. I told ger to run. Away. So just shut the fuck up and let me off  this damn boy infested truck"

" Tia, We cant!" Cameron asks.


" BECAUSE WE CANT!" I slam my hand in the seat.

" You guys are pathetic!" I sscream. I put my knees up to my face and slightly cried.

Is it good so far????????

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