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Tia's pov

I am so proud of Nash and Cameron for doing something! They made my room look awesome. I am now unpacking. I stuff some of my shorts in my dresser. I hang some of my clothes up in my closet. Yes its a walk in. And its amazing.

" How are you doing?" Cameron asks me walking in.

" Fine, thanks" I smile walking past him to get my pants from my suit case.

" Do you like your room?"

" I love it." I walk to my dresser and I bend down to stuff them in the middle drawers.

" Damn" I hear Cameron whisper to himself. I roll my eyes and I stand straight up. I look at him.

" Really?" I say crossing my arms.

" What?" He asks.

" Stop staring. Take a picture. It will last longer."

" Ok " he takes his phone out and snaps a picture.

" I was kidding. Pervert." I walk to my bed. I pick my suit case up amd I walk to my closet. I put my suit case in the top shelf. I feel Cameron smack my ass. I turn around. He is smiling.

" what the hell Cameron!"

" I cant resist you. You are just so stunning." He walks closer to me.

" Go away" I move back. I run into the hall. Cameron holds my waist with his hands. He moves his head closer to mine. I move my head back.

" C'mon, I know you want me" he says. I feel his breath hit my face. He jolts at my lips. I hold his shoulders trying to push him back. He gets closer. I push harder. He dosnt stop. I knee him in his sack. He dosnt stop. I turn my head. His lips unlock from mine. I hear him grunt. He lets my waist go. He grabs my face hard. He uses his other hand to slap me. He letd my face go.

" Love me" he says. I shake my head.

" you got your picture. Let me go"

" No" he jolts at my lips again. He squeezes my cheeks to make an O shape with my lips. I squint in pain. He puts his tongue in my mouth. I bite it. He lets me go and he leans agaisnt the wall holding his tongue. I run out of the closet and out of my room. I run down the hallway and down the stairs. I run into the living room where all the boys are. I wipe my tears when Nash looks at me.

" Tia, what happend?" Nash asks me walking closer to me. I look behind me. Cameron isnt here.

" It was Cameron." I say. I wipe the tears coming out of my eyes uncontrolably.

" wheres Cameron??" Nash asks looking around the living room. He looks at me.

" Did he......" Nash hugs me tightly.

" Oh my god" He whispers.

" Nash. Let her go" Cameron says walking closer to me. He grabs me and pulls me out of Nashs arms. Cameron wraps his arms around my waist. Nash looks at me confused.

" Cameron.... Stop" I say pushing him away from me. I walk back to Nash.

" Leave me alone" I say to Cameron. He looks at Nash. Nash puts his arm around my waist. Cameron gets angry pretty fast.

" Tia, can I talk to you. Alone" Nash says to me. I nod. He takes my hand and leads me into the kitchen.

" Are you and Cameron... together?"

" What. No!"

" Then why were you crying?"

" He..... Hurt me." I try holding my tears back.

" HOW?!"

" I was unpacking and he touched me.... Then he started kissing me. I tried to get him off me. He was to strong. He slaped me. But I escaped."

" THAT BITCH!" He yells running back into the living room. I follow.

" YOU TOUCHED HER?!" Nash yells holding Cameron by his shirt. Cameron looks at me. I run upstairs to ignore the fighting. I run into my room and I slam the door. I run to my bed and I take a pillow. I sit crossed legged. I hug the pilow tightly. I hear Nash yelling. Then I hear a punch. I cover my ears crying. I lay down still hugging the pillow wishing it was Nash. I close my eyes.

Nash's pov

I finish with Cameron. I walk upstaitrs to check up on Tia. I awalk to her room. I open her door. I see her laying on her bed hugging a pillow sleeping. I smile. I walk in and walk towards her. I sit beside her.

" Tia..." I whisper putting my head closer to her head. She flutters her eyes open. She smiles. She quickly jolts up.

" Whats wrong??" I ask her looking confused.

" I had this scary dream where Cameron got all up in my face kissing me. Then you beat him up" she looks at me and smiles. I look at the ground.

" It wasnt a dream" I say.

" Where is Cameron?" she asks getting up.

" In his room. Just across from yours." I say helping her up. I take her hand and I walk into Cams room. he is laying on his bed. Tia walks closer to him. She kneels down and covers her mouth. She looks at me.

" you did this? What will your fans say?" she says looking back at Cameron.

" I dont know. But I made sure he wont touch you again" I say. She stands up and walks to me.

" Thank you." she looks at mee and smiles.

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