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Tia's pov

- 4 days later -

Nash beat Cameron up so bad. Girls might die. I walked into Camerons room where he sat on his bed. Filming. He looks at me and smiles. His face is puffy, bruses everywhere and a black eye.

" Tia, come sit" he pats the spot beside him. I jump beside him. He smiles at me. I smile back.

" This is Tia, as you all might know." he points to me. I wave.

" Hey guys" I smile looking at the camera.

" So.... As I was saying, Nash beat the shit out of me. But im fine. Dont put hate on him. Please?" he begs. I wrap my arm around his shoulders.

" thats all for today guys. See you next week!" he gets up and shuts the camera off. He turns to me.

" You shouldnt be here. What if Nash walks in"

" Yea. Ok. I guess I will leave now. Bye" I wave. I get up and walk to the door. I open it and I walk out down the hall. I see Aaron and Shawn talking at the end of the hall. They look at me and smile. I wave. I walk down the stairs and into the living room. " SUP...... BITCHES!" I yell walking in. I see all of O2L sitting in the living room with the boys. Wishbone comes running to me. I pick him up.

" Hey boy" I scratch behind his ears.

" Where were you?" Nash asks standing up. I put Wishbone down.

" upstairs. why?"

" Just wondering. Did Cameron.... yyou know"

" No Nash. Im fine." He smiles after I say that. I sit besid him. Sam lookd at me biting his lip. I look at Nash who is talking to Jc. I look at Sam. He smiles. I smile back.

" ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" we hear Cameron yell from upstairs. I stand up. Nash grabs my hand and sits me back down.

" stay here" he gets up and walks upstairs. I sit there. Awkwardly. I look at Connor.

" HEYY TIAA!" He yells making me giggle.

" HEYYYYYY CONNOR!!" I yell back. Nash comes back downstairs.

" That was fast" I say. He sits beside me.

" What was going on?" I ask.

" Cameron lost his favourite socks. I found them in the hallway." He says playing with his hair.

" Oh Cameron" I said giggling. We hear the door bell ring.

" I will get it." I get up and walk out of the living room. I make my way to the door. I open it.

" Dad, Mom? Grandma?"

" Hey baby girl." My dad says smiling.

" What are you doing here?"

" we came to visit." My mom says walking in. Followed by my dad then Grandma.

" yes. Come in" I roll my eyes shutting the door. My Grandma faces me.

" I missed you" she says opening her arms to hug me. I hug her tight. We let go.

" Follow me" I said walking into the dining room. I sit downnat a chair. My parents and Grandma sit infront of me.

" Ok, spill it" I say leaning back in my chair crossing my arms.

" Well, We just want to say how sorry we are for doing horrible things to you and Sierra and Kate" my dad says. Nash walks in looking confused. I shrug my shoulders.

" And im sorry for kicking you out. I was a bitch. Please come back home. We can all start over" My  mom says smiling. I look at my hand.

" No" I try speaking.

" I am your mother. You do as I say"

" Im not leaving. I live here now."


" No. I wont. Im old enough to make my own choices. And. Im staying here."

" Ass hole. I try to be nice to you. But you give us your attitude." my mom says. Nash leans agaisnt the door frame.

" I think you should leave." I look at my parents.

" Fine. we will. Have fun you slut." she says grabing my dads hands and walking out. I look at my Grandma.

" Should I leave?" she says grabing her purse.

" No. You're fine. Stay if you want" I smile standing up.

" Come meet everybody!" I take her hand and lead her into the living room.

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