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Tia's pov 

I hear Nash open my door. I am laying on the bed curled up in a ball facing the window. 

" Hey, there is fd downstairs. If you want some, you can get some. Pleas eat. You have been up here since last night. You havnt come down." he says getting closer to me.

" Im  scared"

" Of what?"

" Taylor. He made me take a picture of me wearing my under garnments. On your Instagram. Are people still commenting on it?"

" Yea" I hear him sigh.

" Nash"

" Yea?"

" Do you love me?"

" Of course"

" Ok. If I.... ever.... you know........ commited suicide..... what would you do?"

" If you ever commited suicide, I would commit suicide to be with you. But I hope you never do that"

" why shouldn't I. I lost everything I love" I sit up. Nash sits beside me.

" You didnt loose everything."

" What do you mean?'

" You still have us"

" They.... scare me" I say. Nash takes my hand and leads me out of the room. I fall down cause my legs have not been used in a long time. Nash picks me up bridal style and walks me down the stairs. He walks into the kichen where all the boys are. Even O2L. They are staying here for 4 more weeks. Felicity left right before we played T or D. Sam looks at me and jolts up. He walks towards me.

" are you alright?" he moves some hair out of my face. \

" Im fine. Thanks Sam." Sam was..... cute. But I love Nash.

" Can you walk?' he asks.

" Not at the moment" I chuckle. Taylor looked at me and smirked. I looked away. 

" Nash, I dont want to be here. I want to go back up" I said.

" You sure you can walk?" he asks. I nodd. H esets me down slowly. I take one step and I fall to one side. I grab the counter for support. I walk slowly out. 

" I want to tap that" I hear Taylor whisper. I look at him. I look away and burst into tears. I make silent  sobbing noises. I fall face first onto the ground. My nose hits the ground. 

" Jesus!": I hear Sam yell. He helps me up.

" I got her" Nash says taking me from him. He helps me up. My back feels a shot of pain.

" GAHHHHHHHAH!" I scream. I fall into Nashs arms. All the boys stand up and run to me.

" Whats wrong?" Aaron asks.

" My back. IT HURTS!" I scream feeling morea and more pain. I start shaking unconrtobly.

" CALL 9-1-1!!!" I hear JC Yell. Cameron runs past me towards the phone. Nash holds me up. He straightnes me out. I scream even louder.

" AHHHHHHH!" It hurts so much. 

" STOP NASH, YOU'RE HURTING HER!" Sam yells. Cameron runs back.

" There is a ambulance on its way" He says looking at me. Everything is blury cause my eyes are full of tears. I am picked up and ran into the living room. I am layed down on the couch. All the boys hover over me. I stop shaking. All the pain goes away. I blink the tears away. I sit up. The pain comes back. I fall back on the couch laying down.

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