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Nash's pov

Tia and Sierra were crying really hard. It makes my heart melt. I just want to hold her in my arms and keep her safe and warm. I love Tia. The kis she gave me was amazing. I didnt want it to stop. I heard Taylor and Matt talking earlier about Tia. I didnt really understand most of it.

" Are you guys going to be alright? Do you need anything?" Jack J asks as he rubs Tia's back.

" Y-yea. We will be fine. Sierra do you want anything?"

" Im thirsty." she says sounding dry.

" Will could we stop at a gas statiom to get some drinks?" I ask.

" Yea!" Will yells as he talks to Hayes.

" So Tia" Matt says looking at her.

" What?"

" Why do you cut?"

" Are you serious? I cut becuase my life sucks." She says as she hugs Sierra. Sierra's body is so tiny. Smaller then Skylynn's.

" Can I have some time. Alone. With Sierra?" She gets up and walks to Sierra's bed. She sets Sierra down. Tia sits beside her. I feel so bad for Tia. She cuts her stomach. I really want to find out soon.

" Toilets clogged!" Carter says as he walks out of the bathroom.

" Jesus Carter!" Taylor yells as he runs to shut the bathroom door.

" Wait. When did you get in there Car?" I asked.

" Not to long ago."

" Ok?" I hear giggling. I look at Sierra who is giggling at Carter. Tia is smiling. I chuckle a little bit.

Matts pov

I really like Tia. Im just not sure how to tell her how I feel. Taylor and I were talking earlier about Tia. He has feelings for her to! I told him I did to. He got pissed. Now him and I are in a fight. Over Tia. HahaaaAa. Taylors retarded.

Taylors pov

Matt has feelings for the same damn girl as I do. Dammit. I thought I would have her. I just want to wrap her in my arms and try to get her to stop cutting. Try to make her feel safe with me! Not with the sexist Matt. All he wants is Sex. Sex. Sex. everything is sex to him. He is such a pervert.

Jack Gs pov

I felt bad for giving her the dare to kiss Nash. That was her first real kiss. Why didnt I say cheek or forehead!? Gah I feel like crap. Tia is such an amazing girl. Her sister looks just like her. Tia is just so attractive. Matt looks at her like she is naked. He obviously has feeling for her. I want her to be mine!

Aarons pov

The guys have been acting strange since we got Tia. We have been whispering about her. Well, Tia is very pretty. Im not sure who would not want to be with Tia. Who ever thinks she is ugly, Must die! Gahah but seriously. They must die.

( By now, you should relize that all the boys like Tia xD)

Tia's pov

Sierra is now sleeping and the guys are looking at me like they want me to tell them about my insane dad. I lay Sierra down and I put a blanket over her. I hope off the bed and I walk to the boys. I sit beside Jack J and Shawn. I look at the boys.

" Tell" Nash says.

" Well uh um." I look at my shakey hands.

" It all happend last year. Everything went to hell between my family. When Sierra was 3, And I was 15, Our step-dad was a huge drinker. And I mean he was a HUGE drinker. He would go past the drinking limit. One day, our step-dad got fired from his high paying job becausd he obviously drank so much. He came home with gallons of beer.He drank them of course. I told Sierra to hide in her room because he gets very aggresive. I hid with her. And-" I waa cut off my Sierra screaming. I stood up and ran to her. I kneeled down and shook her awake.

" He was in my dream again!" her face was wet from her sweat. Her hair was a mess. I look at the boys who were looking sad. I picked Sierra up.

" Its ok. Your ok. I got you." I rocked her. Her body is shaky.

" Tia I cant take it anymore!" she cries in my shirt. I put my head on her head.

" I know." I cry a little bit. I pick her up bridal style and I walk back to the boys. I sit down beside Jack G and Shawn.

" She has been having nightmares ever since"

" About him?" Matt asks.

" Yes. every night! For the past  12 months!"

" I I am just worried about her. He did the most damage to her then he did with me."

" What did he do?" Carter asks.

" For her, he would rip heads off her toys, he would throw things at her. He would scream or yell at her. He would pull her hair, sometimes he would rip some out. It kills me to talk about it."

" He did that!?" Aaron says as he covers his mouth. I nodd my head.

" What did he do to you?" Matt asks.

" He would tell my friends him and I had sex. He would barge in my room and smash my things my mom gave me, he would always call me a slut, whore, faggot, bitch, Cunt or Hooker." I  put my hands over my mouth to cry.

" Oh my god" Shawn says.

" Sierra, do you want to go back to sleep now?" I ask.

" Yeah" She gets off me.

" Can I get hugs?" She asks.

" Yea. Come here, sweetie" Taylor says as he opens his arms. She hugs him. She goes to Nash. Then. Aaron. Then Jack J. Then Jack G. Then Shawn. Then Carter. Then Matt. She walks to Cameron. She opens her arms. He kneels down and picks her up and hugs her. I smile alittle bit. He kisses her cheek and she smiles. He sets her down and she walks to me.

" Sweetdreams Sierra" I say as I hug her. She whispers in my ear.

" Cameron should be your prince and you should be his princess" she says as she runs to her bed. I smile like an idiot.

" What are you smiling at?" Matt asks.

" What she whisperd to me."

" What did she say?" Taylor asks

" Nothing" I stand up.

" Im heading do bed now. I need to sleep" I stretch my arms. I feel a pain in my waist.

" Ugh. I forgot the stick." I say as I lift my shirt.

" Want me to pull it out? I will do it as gently as I can" Nash asks.

" Yea. I guess." He takes my hand and he sitss me on a chair. He lifts my shirt. He grabs the stick that is sticking out of my waist.

" On 3. 1.....2......" He yanks it out. I grab my waist and scream.

" Im so sorry!" Nash says as he huggs me.

" God that hurt!" he lets the hugg go. I let my waist go.Blood gushes out.

" Get my a soaking cloth. Now!" Nash yells as Matt runs into the bathroom. He runs out with a dripping cloth. Nash ttakes it and he presses it on my waist. I slam my fist on the table.

" Whats wrong Tia?" Sierra says as she walks towards me.

" Noting im fine. Go back to sleep"

" I cant. I dont have Mr.Tickles."

" Ugh Sierra. You can sleep without  him"

" No I cant! Mom gave him to me!"

" Whos Mr.Tickles?" Aaron asks.

" My stuffed Elephant."

" Fuck...... This hurts like a fuuuu- fudge!" I try not to swear when Sierra is around.

" Sierra. I will be your Mr.Tickles." Cameron says as he gets in her bed. She looks at me. I smile. She giggles and jumps in bed with him. He wraps his arms around her. She gets bundled up in his arms.

" Awe" I whisper.

" Can I be your Mr.Tickles tonight?" Carter asks me.

" Uh.  Ummmmm. I.... Sure???" I giggle abit. I stand up holding the cloth. I get in my bed and Carter lays beside me. He wrap his arm around my waist. I hear the boys whispering to Carter. I feel wierd. I close my eyes and I fall asleep.

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