Camas and Regan

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Camerons POV

The show has been over for awhile now. Matt is no where to be found. We have checked all around the building. No Matthew.

" MATTHEW!" I scream running down the hall. I stop to hear kissing and giggling. Sounds like Alexa? I look to the left to see a door closed. The closet. Really? I open the door to see Mathew and another girl. Not Alexa. They stop kissing. The girl looks at Matthew and slaps him.

" Jerk." she says storming out smiling. Matt giggles. I cross my arms.

" Do you have something to tell me?" I ask.


" Who was that girl?"

" Ugh fine. Her name is Camas."

" Sounds like Cams ass"

" No, its pronounced Cam-is" he says rolling his eyes.

" Well sorry" I wave my hands in the air. Matthew walks out. " I ship Catthew" I say. He turns around and smiles.

" Thanks bro"

"NO PROBLEM!" I yell. Nash looks around the corner.

" Hello?" he asks.

" Hey, I found Matt kissing another girl. Her name is Camas. I told him it sounds like Cams ass"

" It does. I bet its spelt almost like it." We both laugh. 

" AARON!" Taylor yells running past us.

" WHAT?" We hear him say faintly. Taylor disappears around the corner. Nash comes and stands beside me.

" How you holding up?" He asks.

" Great. Thanks. We should go see her mom"

" Cam, I dont think thats a good idea. Her mom is probably hating on the world for taking away her whole family. First it was Kate. The Sierra. Then Tia. Like damn. She has a hard life."

" I guess. But Matthew has been happy lately. I havnt seen him cry since 2 days ago. I wonder if its cause of Camas....?"

" Myabe. I feel bad for him though. Like, people are hating on him because he couldnt live stream? Thats messed up. Matthew doesnt deserve this. But im glad he is hopefully dating Camas."

" Yea. We should get back to the Apartment" Nash says. ( yes ik i didnt say anything about this in this story. calm )

We start walking out of the building and back to our Apartment. I feel followed. I turn around. No one. 

" You alright?" He asks.

" Yea. Fine. Leta just get home"

" Okayy?"

After like 9 mins of walking back to the Apartment, Nash unlocks the door. We both walk in.

" Dont think I dont forgive you about what you told most of our fans. I still hate you for it" I say reaching into the fridge. I grab a rootbeer can. I pull the tab back and it pops open. I take a sip.

" I know man, Im sorry. I wasnt thinking" He plops on the couch and turns the tv on. I sit beside him. " I still dont forgive you about breaking my door" he says, I laugh.

" That was an accident"

" Oh really?"

" Yea dud-" I was cut off by the door bell ringing. I take another sip.

" You're getting it" Nash says. I look at him. I stand up setting my pop on the table. I walk to the door and I open it. Matt and Camas.

"Oh hey guys. Come in" I say backing away from the door. They walk in holding hands. I close the door behind them. Matt takes a sip of my pop.

" YooOoOoooOoOOOOOO, thats mine. Get your own." I take it from his hands.

" Why y'all here?" Nash asks turning the tv off.

" We want to talk to you guys." Camas says. Matthew and her sit down on the loveseat. 

" As you might know, this is Camas. My girlfriend. She is 16, she has a friend named Regan. And she is obsessed with me"

" Yes, I think that Shawn and Regan should date. Can you guys hook them up? Regan is at the hotel we are staying at. Probably bored as fuck." Camas says. She has a nice voice.

" How old is Regan?" I ask.

" 14. Turns 15 on January 8th" She says. Turning on her phone. " I have a picture of her.... right here" she holds her phone up to our faces. Oh wow. Regan is gorgeous.

" Yeah, I think Shawn will like her very much. I'll ask him tomorrow. Can you ask Regan to come here? Right now?" Nash asks, She nods and starts texting. 

" I hope you guys dont mind me dating..." Matt says.

" I dont mind. Im glad you FINALLY have a decent gal like Camas." I laugh. He smiles and looks at the floor. All of a sudden we hear Camas's phone notifications go wild.

" Thats Regan having a fangirl moment. Sorry" She says trying to hold back her laughs.

Regan's POV

As soon as I get Camas's text saying for me to go to Nash's and Cam's house, I flip out! I quickly get ready and I run out the door. 

Cameron's POV

Its been 5 mins since Camas texting Regan. The door bell rings and I quickly get up to get it. I open the door. Regan looks up at me. I already see tears in her eyes. She oepns her mouth to speak but faints. She falls towards me. I catch her.

" Nash, where do I put the past out Regan?"

" On your bed" he answers.

" Okaay. Camas, can you come with me?" I ask walking up the stairs. She nods and gets off the couch. She follows me. I hold Regan bridal style. I open my door and I lightly set her on my bed. Camas sits beside her.

" Is this normal?" I ask.

"Nope. She really does love you guys. When she wakes up, I think she will faint again."

" Okay, can you go get some water?"

" Yea" she walks out. I look down at Regan. Her eyes flutter open. When she looks at me. She covers her face.

" What are you doing?" I ask.

" Covering my ugly face"

" Youre face is not ugly. Its beautiful."

" Can you toss me a pillow?" she asks.

" Uhm... yea?" I pass her another pillow. She gets up and whips the pillow at my face. I fall to the ground. I hear her laughing hard.

" What was that for?" I ask getting up.

" For being my #1 idol"

" Aww. I love you" after I say that, she faints again. Camas comes up with a glass of water. Followed by Matt. She gives me the water.

" I heard her talking" she says.

" Yea, she whipped me in the face with the pillow. But im fine. After I said I love you, she fainted again."

" Well, now you know what Regan is like" she smiles. I laugh. Matt sits at the end of the bed. Smiling at me. I smile back.

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