New Room.

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Nash's pov

Tia and the others left awhile ago to get lunch. We bought bright blue paint for her walls. Cameron and I decided to paint while she was gone. Cameron diped his paint brush in the tin and climed up a small ladder. He placed the brush on the top of the wall and slid the brush down. I went to the other side of the room and Painted.

- 2 hours later -

Cameron and I drove to Walmart for 7 mins. Cameron went to the furniture and I went to the bed decor aisle. I picked out a baby blue blanket, a white sheet and 5 blue and white pilllows. I also got 2 blue pillow cases for the 2 white pillows. I made my way to the cashier. I put the stuff down so he could scan it. Cameron came walking beside me carrying a large blue crystal lamp, a large white alarm clock, A small mirror and a laundry hamper in a box. He paid at the cashier behind me. My total came to $70.30. I paid and Camerom and I walked out carrying 3 large bags each. We got to the truck and we out the bags in the back seats.

" Do you think she will like these?" Cameron asks sitting in the drivers seat.

" She loves blue. Dosnt she?" I say buckling up. We drive back to the house. They arnt back yet.

" Lets do this fast" I say getting oit and grabbing the 33 bags I got. I ran up into the house and up the stairs. I ran down the long hallway and into Tia's room. Cameron followed me. We set the bags down.

" I will do the bed" I say pulling out the white sheet. I walked to the queen sized bed and I put the sheet on. It was so hard. I walked back to the bags and I pulled out the blue blanket. I took it out of its package and I put it on the bed. I made it nice and neat. I walked back to the bed and I grabed 3 blue pillows. I set them on the bed. I walked back to the bags and I got out the 2 white pillows and the pillow covers. I put  the covers on.I put all the pillows neatly down on the bed. I looked at Cameron who was now done setting up the laundry hamper. We hear the front door open then close.

" She is here!" I scream running out of the room and down the stairs.

Tia's pov

Nash and Cameron came running down the stairs.

" Hey, we have to show you something" Nash says running up the stairs followed by Cameron. I slowly walked up. I made my way to the hallway. I looked at Nash and Cameron who were waiting outside of my room. I smiled and I ran down the hallway. Nash opend the bedroom door. Blue blinded my eyes. I cover my mouth and laugh. I turn to Nash and Cameron who are smiling.

" Thank you!" I scream running at them. I group hug them. Nash rubs my back while Camerons hand sneaks his hand down to my butt. I let go quickly.

" this is amazing. Thanks!" I wipe a tear of joy out of my eye.

Sorry its short again. Im tired as always because of school!

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