Cant chose

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Cameron's pov

I woke up with Tia still in my arms. I looked at her and she was still sleeping. I slowly got up and walked into the hallway. I see all the guys talking. I walk up to them.

" Hey guys. Sup?" I say as I stand beside Nash. He looks at me. He grabs the collar of my shirt and pushs me agaisnt the wall.

" You killed Tia's sister. You dont deserve her. She is going to hate you for as long as she lives."

" Dude. Get off me" I push him off me.

" leave Tia alone. She belongs with someone she loves and trusts"

" Screw you Nash. And the rest of you." I walk back to my room. I see Tia just waking up. I smile amd her and she looks at me and smiles.

" Goodmorning babe" I say to her. She looks at me confused.

" nevermind" I say as I walk into the bathroom to do my buisness.

Tia's pov

I got up and walked into the hallway to see the boys. They look at me.

" hey guys" I say as I walk closer to Nash.

" Hey Tia. Where is Cam?" Nash asks me as he smiles.

" He is in the bathroom?" I say looking at him weird.

" Tia, can I speak to you. Alone?" Nash asks.

" Uhh. Yea sure." he takes my hand and walks into his room. He closes the door.

" Tia listen. I have had a massivsme crush on you after the kiss you gave me. With that one kiss, it has made me want you."

" Nash......... Whats going on between you and Cam"

" Nothing."

" Nash."

" Nothing I swear."

" Ok? And that was just a peck nothing special"

" Look. Cameron dosnt love you. He only goes for you looks. He dosnt deserve a girl like you" he walks closer to me and wraps his arm around my waist and he pulls me closer. He tilts his head. I look in his eyes. He leans in and our lips touch. I fell deep in the kiss I wrape my arns around his neck and I jumped up and wraped my legs around his torso. He pushed me against the wall and kissed me slowly. His hands moves up to my neck. His hands lightly moved around my neck making me shiver. I rush my fingures through his hair. I hear the door open.

" THE HELL?!" I hear a boy yell. I let the kiss go and I look and see Cameron. Nash looks at him then at me. He grabs my face and kisses ne again. I hear Cameron charge towards us. He yanks Nash off me. I fall to the ground. I look at see Cameron on the floor holding Nash down. Cameron raises his fist up. I get up and I push Cameron off  Nash.

" What the hell Cameron!?" I yell as I help Nash up.

" He was kissing you!" he yells.

" so?" Nash says.

" I thought we had something going on Tia" Cameron says standing up. He walks out of the room and slams the door. I help Nash up and I walk out of the room.

" WE WERE NEVEE DATING CAMERON!" I yell as he turns around.

" I cannot believe you!" he says walking towards me.

" What do you mean?!"

" I saved you from jumping off a fuckin ROOF! AND THIS IS HOW YOU THANK ME!?" he says as he getsn1 meter away from me.

" Maybe I should just leave!" I say.

" GOOD!" He yells. I turn and run down the hallway full of tears. I run into a tall body. I look up and see Will and Hayes.

" where are you going?" Will asks.

" Ask Cameron. He should know!" I run past them and down the stairs. I run through the lobby and out the doors. I run down the sidewalk. I look behind me and I see Nash running after me. I stop.

" Im coming with you" he says.

" No youre not. You have that thing called Magcon to go to."

" I'd rather stay with you then see 1000 girls screaming my name and begging me to give them my number" he says.

" But. I thought you loved having attention"

" can we. like. not talk about this." he says.

" I just want to go home. Stay with my grandma."

" you never told us about your mom" he says looking at me.

" Because. I dont..........have a mom" I whisper the last part.

" Oh. What happend to her?"

" my dad did everything to my family."

" its getting cold. Lets go back. You can sleep in my room. I will tell Matt to share with Cam."

"Yea. ok" I say as he grabs my hand and we walk back to the hotel. we walk up the stairs back to our room. Nash and I walk down the hallway to his room. we walk in and Matt isnt there.

" Since Matt never really showers, his bed will stink, and I dont think you want to sleep in his bed so-"

" I will sleep on the pull out couch" I said interupting Nash.

"y-yea ok" he walks to his bed and he sits down on his bed. I walk to the couch and I sit down on it. I look at my hands. In the corner of my eyes I can see Nash straring at me. We hear a knock at the door.

" Matt I need to talk to you. About Tia" I hear Cameron say through the door. I look at Nash. He clears his throut and pretends to be Matt.

" Talk through the door. Im sorta naked.I just finshed a shower and I ran out of towels.

" Uhh. Ok? So about Tia."

" Go on"  Nash says.

" Well. I really liker and I feel really bad yelling at her. I justt dont think Nash deserves her. He only likes girls when they wax their hairs. I mean seriously? A girl cant wax her arms. Its not  right." I look at Nash then my arms. Hairy. I look back at Nash. I get up and walk to the door. I turm the handle and I look back at Nash. I open the door and I see Cameron.

" Tia?" he says.

"Cameron. Do you like girls wen they wax?" I ask.

" What? No!" he says.

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