No Name

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Camerons pov

We heard Nash yell in the kitchen. Obviously at Tia, since they were the only ones there. Nash sat on the couch crying.

" Dude, how were you not good enough of a boyfriend? You took care of her while she was in pain" Carter says rubbing the back of Nashs' back.

" I don't know." he says.

" Maybe you should go and lay down" Aaron says. Nash nods his head.

" ok" he gets up and walk up stairs.

" Where is Taylor?" Tia asks walking in the living room. We dont reaspon.

" Where.... is.... Taylor?" she asks again. 

" upstairs. In his room" Shawn says. 

" thanks" she sighs walking up the stairs.

" Dont you guys think Taylor has been acting strange, Tia is always talking and hanging out with him. Do you guys think...... Tia cheated on Nash?" I say. Everybody looks at me.

" Tia wouldnt do that" Austin says.

" She just broke up with Nash." I say. 

" What do you guys want to do?" Jack J says.

" I donn't know. I guess we talk. Not about Tia or Nash." Matt says.

Tia's pov

I walked into Taylors room. I closed the door.

" Its done" I say walking and sitting on the bed. Taylor comes out of his closet.

" What were you doing in there?" I ask him as he sits beside me.

" Looking, for clothes.... and old stuff." he says.

" Nash and I are... Done" I look at the ground.

" Oh"

" Yea, but im fine now. He was a douche anyways." I smile. I get a text from Austin. I look at my phone.

Pookie: I need to talk to you. Meet me outside. Backyard.

I put my phone away.

" I will be right back" I say getting up and walk to the door. I walk out and downstairs. I walk to the backdoor. I open it and I step out.

" Hey" Austin says. I look over at him. He is leaning agaisnt the wall.

" What did you want to talk about?"

" Us"

" Us?"

' Yea, I need to know somethings" he says. I stand beside him.

" Like what?"

" I need to know if you like being in a relationship"

" Well, Nash was my first boyfriend. So, yea I guess I can. But I don't care what people do in relationships. As long as the couples are cute together" I say Austin gets off the wall and stands infront of me.

" Then I guess you wont care if I did this" he says holding me chin with his finger. He leans in and kisses my lips. OMG. I place my hand on his neck.

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