(idk what to call this)

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Nash's POV

I walk out of the bathroom to get a smack in the cheek. I look and see Camas. Her hand full of whipped cream. She giggles and I wipe some off and I chuck it at her. How are we still smacking each other? Its been 2 hours. I walk into the living room and I sit on the couch. Regan is at the other side of the room away from everyone. I look at Shawn. He shruges.

" Go talk to her " I mouth at him. He nods an stands up. He walks towards her and sits beside her. I look at Camas and Matt making out.

" Guys, there's a room upstairs. Aka Cameron's bed" I say. Cameron whips his had at me. Matt takes Camas' hand and they walk upstairs together. Johnson comes and sits beside me. He looks at me.

" Are you going to smack me?" I ask concerned.

" Nah. I'm done with that bull shit" Everyone calms down and they come and sit in the living room. Carter sits on Aarons lap.

" Dude, your ass is bony! Where's the meat?!" Aaron yells.

" In my dick" Carter jokes. I look at Shawn and Regan. All of a sudden, Regan giggles and starts blushing. I look at Cameron.

" Imma go spy on Matt and Camas. Maybe even get a video." I get my phone out and I creep up the stairs. I turn my phone on and I start to record. I open the door. I look in t see Matt on top of Camas. Getting it on. I quickly shut the video off and I run downstairs. Everyone looks at me.

" What's wrong? Looks like you've seen a ghost" Taylor says.

" Matt and Camas... Are... like. You know." Everyone bursts out laughing. Regan stands up and walks into the bathroom. This is like the 6th time. Shawn stands up and brushes his butt. I walk towards him.

"Why does she keep going in there?"

"She says she has a small bladder." he says putting his hands in his pockets and walking to sit on the couch. I sit beside him.

" Oh " I say.

Regan's POV

I look in the mirror. I start breathing heavy. I reach in my pocket and I grab my in hailer(??? the thing you breath in... ) I lean over the sink.

" why me?"

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