Teal Eyed Girl

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Tia's pov

Nash and I got back together 4 days ago. We were about to get it going on, until Aaron walked in on us almost naked.

" So I heard you and Nash are back together" Sam says. I turn around from looking for a pair of socks in my dresser.

" Yea." I chuckle. Sam looks at the ground.

" Are you guys happy together?"

" Yea, why would you ask that?"

" Jst wondering. No like im trying to do what Taylor did....." he half smiles.

" What Taylor tried to do was the stupidest thing a human could do. He should go find his own girl. And stop trying to get me to date him. Its not going to work no matter what he does."

" Oh. Okay. Nash seems happy"

" Sam, could you just drop it? Stop talking about our relationship." I go through my sock drawer again. I find a pair of puple socks. They dont match my outfitt. I throw them to the ground. I turn back around and I see Sam gone. I shrug my shoulders and I go through the socks again. I finally find a pair. I turn around and I sit on my bed. I slide the socks on. I see Nash walk in.

" Yo" he says siting beside me. I turn towards him and I sit crossed legged.

" Hey" I smile at him. 

" I was thinking we could go out today. I buy us some Starbucks, we can go to Walmart and make vines or we could go for a walk along the beach?" Nash says taking both of my hands and making circles with his thumbs.

" That would be great. But, I don't want you to pay for everything I want. Let me pay"

" No, I pay for everything. I don't care how much it is. As long as you're happy, im happy. "

" Thanks Nash. This is why I love you!" I say kissing his cheek.

" I get more than a kis on the cheek" he says. I roll my eyes playfully.

" Later today, you will get your kiss. Not right now." I smile at him. He smiles back.

" Maybe I can buy you eye contacts. The colour ones. So you can look like me" he laughs.

" Hahaha, Maybe you can buy yourself teal coloured eye contacts. I cannot wear contacts. They bother my eyes" I laugh. He nods his head.

' Wait. I was kidding" 

" I want to know whats its like to have teal eyes. I can take a pic and post it on Instagram. And Twitah!" he says getting up and running out of my room. I laugh. I stand up and I grab my Magcon sweater. I put it on and I walk downstairs. I see Nash putting on his jacket and shoes. I slide my pink vans on. Nash looks at me.

" You ready?" he asks opening the door.

" Where are the boys." I ask.

" Backyard throwing waterballoons at eachother.... Naked" he says.My eyese open wide. I run to the backdoor and I open it. I see all the boys butt naked throwing balloons. I cover my mouth and I laugh. They all look at me. They cover their boys parts and run behind the bushes. I lean agaisnt the door laughing. Nash walks over to me and takes my hand.

" Lets goooo. Stop looking at their dicks." he pulls me away.

" DO YOU THINK SHE SAW MY DICK!?" Sam yells. I chuckle.

" YES I DID SAM!" I scream back. I hear him laugh. Nash and I walk out the front door and to the van.

" Wait, where did Will and Hayes go? I forgot about them" I say getting in the passenger seat.

" Will left with his girlfriend and Hayes is back at my real house" He says sitting in the drivers seat. I nod. A day with Nash might be fun..... I hope......

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