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Camerons pov

" Non of this is true. You see, she hit her head pretty bad at the hotel amd she has been really annoying. So whatever she says is a lie" I tell the officer. He looks convinced. Awesome.

" ok just, dont let that happen again. Have a nice day folks" he says as I grab Tia's arm. We walk out of the police station.

" We will talk at the hotel." I say as I walk infront pissed.

" Does this mean Cammy isnt going to jail?" Sierra says. She makes me happy.

" Why dont you go ask him" I hear Tia say also sounding pissed. I hear Sierra run to me. I look at her.

" You walk very fast" she says. I pick her up.

" Does this help?" I smile. She smiles back. We arrive at the hotel. We walk in and the girls are still there. When I enter, the girls start to scream. Sierra plugs her ears. I chuckle. We walk up the stairs and down the hall towards our room. I open the door and I set Sierra down.Everybody follows.

" Uh. Sierra, Maybe you should go with Hayes and walk around" I say as I look at Hayes. He nodds. Sierra walks to him. She takes his hand and the walk out. I look at Tia.

" What the fuck was that about?!" I say as I cross my arms.

" First. You guys kidnapp me and suspect me not to tell anyone. Second a girl called my sister ugly! Do you know how that feels?!" The guys sit on the couch. I sit beside them. Tia sits at the end of the bed.

Tia's pov

Cameron is such a dick.

" We told you not to go to the police" Nash says.

" Did you think  I was going to live my life with you guys?"

" Well, yes"

" Oh my god" I look at the ground.

" I dont want Sierra to be called a name like that ever again. It brakes my heart." I hear the door open. I look at see a police officer and the girl that attacked me earlier. I stand up quickly.

" What are you doing here?" I cross my arms.

" She came by to say sorry. Didnt you Venessa." he says. She nodds her head. She looks at the boys and quickly smiles. I look at the boys. Carter is smiling back at her.

" Hey Carter" she does a little wave.

" Tia?" I hear Sierra say as her and Hayes walk in. She runs to me.

" Sierra, this is Venessa. She came to say sorry. But she is wasting her time."

" Look, I am sorry for calling your sister ugly. I just got jealous."

" Your not sorry for attacking me?"

" no"

" You better leave. Now."

" Venessa lets go." The police officer says as he grabs her arm and pulls her out of the room.

" Sierra you tired?" I say looking at the clock. 9:00pm.

" Yes" she says as she rubs her eyes. I walk her to the bed and I set her in the middle. I tuck her in and I kiss her forehead.

" Goodnight princess" I walk to the boys.

" I think we should all get some sleep" Nash says as he stands up. The boys follow him out of the room. I grab a pillow and a blanket. I set them on the ground.

" you take the bed. I will have the floor" I say to Cameron.

" No, yo have the bed. I will have the floor."

" Are you sure? You can be Sierra's Mr.Tickles again"

" Can I?" he says smiling.

" Go ahead." He runs to her and lays beside her. I crawl in the bed and I get under the covers. I turn the lamp off and I close my eyes.

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