Truth or Dare

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Nash's pov

Tia and her Grandma Felicity, have been getting along great with the boys. I keep seeing Sam amke eye contact with Tia. Im fine wit her just talking to him, I just hope he dosn't make a move on her. Or else there will be trouble. And im not joking. What I did to Cameron was really bad. But he deserved it. That bastard hurt Tia.

" Nash, did you die?" Tia says waving her hand infront of my face.

" No, sorry. Just thinking." I say smiling. I look at Tia, she smiles. Her smile kills me. Its just so pretty. Her white teeth show. And her dimples. UGHHHHHH Sooo cute.

" What do you want to do guys?" Taylor asks breaking the scilence.

" TRUTH OR DARE!!!!" Matt yells. I hear Tia sigh. I look at her.

" Are you ok?" I ask her. 

" Yea, fine. Thanks Nash" She smiles. I chuckle. We all get in a circle around the coffee table in the living room. Taylor and Jack J move the table away so we have space to move around. Taylor runs into the kitchen. Comes back holding a bottle.

" Wait, I thought this was Truth or Dare?" Tia says.

" I like playing it this way, one person spins the bottle, whoever it lands on, the person who spun the bottle asks the person the bottle is pointing to." he says. Tia nods.

" Who wants to go first?" Matt asks looking around. Jack J puts his hand up like a little kid.

" ME ME ME ME ME!" He screams. We all laugh. Taylor gives the bottle to Jack J. Jack puts it in the middle and spins it. It goes around 6 times. It slowls down and lands on Aaron. He turns red.

" Truth or Dare, Aaron?" Jack J asks Aaron. Aaron thinks for awhile.

" Truth" He says.

" Is it true you have a giant crush on Megan Fox?" Jack J asks Aaron.  Aaron blushes.

" MHM hunny" he says. We all laugh.

" Aaron, your turn" Taylor says. Aaron goes and spins the bottle. It spins 9 times. It slows down and lands on Carter. Aaron does a evil laugh.

" Truth or Dare Carter?" Aaron asks Carter.

"  Dare!" He yells. Aaron does the evil laugh again.

" I dare you to run around the backyard.... NAKED!" Aaron yells. Carter gulps. We all die of laughter. Tia gets up and runs to the backdoor.

" COME ON YOU PUSSY!" She yells at Carter. He stands up and strips while walking down the hallway to the backdoor. We all follow him. Since our backyard has no fence, people can see everything. Carter takes off his underwear and walks ouside covering his dick. We all walk outside. 

" UNCOVER!" I yell. He looks at me. I smile. He slowly uncovers his dick. He turns so his back is facing us.

" HIS LIL BUM!" Shawn yells. Tia laughs. Carter starts dancing like a crazy person. We all fall over laughing. Carter turns around and runs inside covering his dick again. We follow him. He picks up his clothes and puts them back on. We all walk back to the living room. We sit in our same spots. Carter walks in fully dressed. He sits down and spins the bottle. It turns 5 times. It slows down and lands on Taylor. Carter duck faces.

" Truth or Dare Tay" Carter asks him. He smiles.

" Dare"

" I dare you to take a picture of you and Shawn doing a duckface. Then post it on Instagram." He says.

" Easy" he pulls out his phone and sits beside Shawn. He lifts his phone up and duck faces with Shawn. He snaps the picture. We wait 3 mins. 

" Posted it" Taylor says putting his phone away. He spins the bottle. It lands on Tia.

" Truth or Dare Tia?" He asks.

" Dare..........." She smiles.

" I dare you to take a picture of you only in a bra and underwear and post it on...... Nash's Instagram" he says smiling. 

" WHAT?" She yells.

" Are you insane, do you know how much people will think im a whore?!" She says. Taylor stops smiling.

" Do it, you have to." He says. I get super pissed.

" fine, Nash. Hand me your phone. Im doing it in private" she says. I hand her my phone. She takes it and walks out of the living room. She walks into the bathroom and shuts the door. We wait.

Tia's pov

I open up Nash's Instagram. I take off my clothes leaving me in just my bra and underwear. I pick his phone up. I don't show my face. I take the picture of my body. I suck my belly in to make me look skinnier. I post it. Not even 1 second of posting it, it already gets 800 likes. Shitt. I look at the comments.

Comment: Eww, wtf Nash, who is that?

Comment: Nice body Nash, lol.


I put the phone down after reading most of the comments. I put my clothes back on. I walk out and into the living room. The boys are all looking on their phones. I slowly walk in. They look at me and smirk.

" Nice body" Taylor says winking. I look at Nash. He frowns. I hand his phone back.

" Im not playing with you anymore. Jerks" I run upstairs and down the hall. I reach my room and I slam the door. How could they do that to me? Everyone is going to try to rape me now. Great. Just, great.

Sorry if it looks weird. Im writing on my laptop. Just to change up the style I guess.

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