Meeting Regan

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Nash's POV

Cameron has been up in his room forever. Regan and Camas are in the kitchen talking about.. something. Camas catches me staring. She smiles I look away awkwardly. Matt comes from out of the bathroom. 

" I think you're going to need a new toilet.." He says in embarressment.

" C'mon man! We have only been living here for only acouple days. And now we need a new toilet? First, Cameron breaks my door. Second a girl passes out. And now we need a new toilet?"

" Calm. I was joking. "

" Good."

" And, I am right here. I can hear every thing you say" Regan says. I look at her.

" Yea. Sorry."

" Its ok. Hey, Camas, I think we should go. You know our moms will think we are being raped or something insane."

" Yea ok."

" I'll walk with you guys" Matt says. They both nod walking out the door. As soon as the door clicks shut, I get off the couch and I run to Camerons room. I open his door and I run in.

" Regan?" He says walking out from his closet.

" No. Its me"

" Oh. Where is Regan and Camas?"

" They had to go. Matt volunteered"

" Ok. Now what?" he asks sitting on his bed,

" I don't know. We could... Nah never mind"

" what were you going to say?"

" I was going to ask if you wanted to have the boys over."

" Sure. I don't mind "

" Great. I'll call em" I pull out my phone. I walk down the stairs dialing Shawn's number.

( 2 hours later )

Shawn's POV

I walk into their apartment to see all the boys smacking each other. Taylor whips Aaron. I close the door making a bang. They all freeze and look at me. I wave awkwardly.

" REGAN! SHAWNS HERE!" Nash yells. who's Regan? A girl and another come downstairs.

" Shawn. This is Camas and Regan. Camas is my girlfriend" Matt says holding her hand.

" Hi. Nice to meet you" I says shaking her free hand.

" You to" she smiles walking away with Matt.

" Hi " Regan says. putting her hands in her jean pockets.

" You're... Canadian?" I ask.

" Yea. How did you know?" she smiles.

" Your accent. "

" Oh. Well. Yea. I'm Canadian"

" Hey I'm Shaw-"

" I know. You're from Magcon. And youre kinda famous. I love youe single. It was amazing "

" Well thank you" I smile.

" Um. I need... I'll be right back" she says speed walking into the bathroom. I walk into the living room and I sit on the couch. Gilinsky stares at me. He walks up to me with his hands behind his back.

" Hey Shawn " He says.

" Hi....."

" Your cheek looks pale. let me fix that" he smacks me hard in the cheek.

" OMFG!" I scream. He starts laughing.

" Your accent,"

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