I had Enough!

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Camerons pov

I woke up with Sierra still in my arms. I looked around and saw everyone sleeping. Even Will. I slowly got up and walked to the door. I opend it. The fresh air went up my nose and it felt great. I steped out. I looked around. We are at the hotel already? I get back in the bus.

" Yo Guys, we are here!" I hollard as I got a pair of shoes. I clapped them together. Everyone jolted up.

" Dude. Shut up!" Matt yelled.

" We are at the hotel!!"

" Ugh!" Matt screamed as he got up.

" I just parked in a parking lot. I didnt relize I parked at the hotel" Will says as he hops out of the bus.

" Dudes come on!" I pulled everyone out of the beds.

" I dont want to let Tia go" Carter says as he smiles. Tia giggles.

" I dont care. Get your Korean ass up." I pulled Tia out of his arms. Tia fell on the ground.

" Fuck you Cameron." She gets up and walks to Sierra. She picks her up.

" She is still sleepping" Tia says as she holds her on her hip.

" Ok. The guys are already in the hotel. Lets go and get our rooms. Willl is picking who sleeps in what room." I say as I walk out of the bus and into the hotel.

" Ok here is who sleeps in what room. We are all on the same floor. Which is good. Ok. Taylor and Carter. Nash and Matt. Aaron and Shawn. Jack J and Jack G. Tia, Sierra and Cameron. Hayes and I are sharing" Will says.

" WHAT!?" Tia yells waking up Sierra. We all look at her.

" Something wrong?" Will asks.

" Your making Sierra and I share a room with... him" she points to me.

" Tia I want to share with Cammy!" Sierra smiles looking at me.

" Youre sharing no matter what" Will says as he walks into the elevater followed by everyone. Tia tries to stay away from me. She goes to the other corner while I am in the middle. Usally we are loud. But we are silent. We reach our floor and we all walk out. Will walks down the hall showing everybody where  there rooms are. When we reach our room, Tia walks to the bed and sets Sierra down. Sierra lays down and closes her eyes. Tia sits on the end of the bed.

Tia's pov

Great. I am sharing a room with Cameron. Just great. I'd rather share a room with  Nash or Taylor. Or  anybody exept Cameron.

" HEY GUYS!" Aaron yells as he runs in.

" How did you get in here?" Cameron asks.

" We all have joining rooms." Nash says as he runs in followed by the others.

" Hey Tia" Jack J says as he sits beside me.

" Hi Jack" I smile.

" Cameron is lucky to have such a beautiful sight."

" What do you mean?"

" There  are 2 beautiful sightes in here."  he says looking at Sierra then me.

" Oh. Heh. Thanks Jack. But, Obviously Cameron dosnt like me. He likes Sierra more."

" Well Cameron better start seeing how beautiful you are." I start to blush.

" Thanks Jack. That means a lot"

" No problem." he smiles and stands up to join the boys. I stand up and I walk to the window. I see a couple hundred girls screaming.

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