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Tia's pov

I sat there looking at my mom. What do I tell her? What do I say to her?

" Grandma needs to be here also" I say pulling out my phone.

" No, you tell me first."

" Ok " I put my phone down. I look at the ground.

" this is Aaron, Carter, Shawn, Matt, Hayes, Will, Nash, Taylor, Jack J, Jack G and.... Cameron" I point to each one as I say their names. They all wave. She smiles.

" Now. What are they doing here" she asks.

" Well." I look at Nash. He opens his mouth to speak.

" About 2 weeks ago, Matt dared Cameron to kidnap a girl living in this house, he agreed, so then that night we broke in and we found Tia and Sierra. They ran but we stoped them. We threw Tia in our truck and Sierra was long gone before we could get to her. We drove off and got into some trouble with Tia not listening. And days went on, we got scared that if we let them go, they would go to the police. So we came back herr because you called and said you were comeing home." he finishes takeing a big breath.

"You kidnapped my daughters?" she says.

" Yes" Cameron says. I look at him, he has a tear running down his face.

" Where is Sierra now? I want to say hi" she says getting up.

" We arnt finished" I say looking at the ground. She sits back down.

" Go on" She says.

" Sierra is..." I cover my mouth. Nash puts his hand on my leg. I look at him and he nods.

" she is gone" I say feeling tears rush down my face.

" What?" she says.

" What do you mean, gone"

" DEAD!" I yell laying down on Nash's lap.

" How?"

" Cameron" I say looking at her.

" Cameron?" she says looking at him.

" I didnt mean to!"

" WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!" She gets in his face.

" mom.... Come to the kitchen. Now" I say getting off Nashs' lap. I walk to the kitchen. I hear my mom follow me.

" tell me what the hell is going on" she says leaning agaisnt the counter. I hop on it and I sit. I look at her.

" Cameron was giving her a bath, until he heard loud laughter comeing from a different hotel room. He left her alone. When he got to the room I was in, I asked him where Sierra was. He said I am giving her a bath. I ran into the room, and found her. Underwater. Not breathing or moving. We rushed to the hostpital, After awhile. The doctors came to me. Told me...... She didnt make it"

" Oh my god" she covers her mouth.

" SHE WAS ONLY 4! HOW COULD YOU LEAVE HER WITH HIM!" She yells pulling me off the counterm i fall off. I stand up.



" SHE IS IN A BETTER PLACE NOW MOM! AWAY FROM DAD AND AWAY FROM YOU! You fucking monster." I said wiping my tears away.

" I hate you... so so much. First it was Kate. Now Sierra!?" she yells grabing my arm.



" Fuck you." I get out of her grip. I walk out of the kitchen and into the living room. I walk past the  boys who are standing up. I run up the stairs. I run down the hallway and into my room. I slam the door hard making it crack alittle. I walk around the room and I throw this around. Some things hit the walls making holes.

" GAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I scream to get some anger out. I throw a box of pictures of Sierra and the family on the floor. I walk into my moms room and I walk to her closet. I open a boox of tools. I grab a hammer. I walk back to my rooms and I close the door. I grip the hammer and I slam it on the wall making a huge hole. Blue paint goes everywhere. I kick around the things around my room. I walk to my bed and I flip the mattress. The door opens and Taylor runs in. He looks around. I walk to another wall and I bang it with the hammer. I hit it 3x making a hole big enough to fit a bed. Taylor grabs my arm. I look at him. He pulls me in for a hug. He wraps his arms around my waist. I wrap mine around his waist.

" What the hell??" Carter says walking in and stepping over some of the things I threw. The boys follow him in. Taylor lets me go. I throw the hammer at the wall making in bounce off and falling on a pink box. I walk to it. I open the box and it is filled with drawings Sierra drew me over the years. I pick one drawing up.

" Aw" I whisper to myself. Its a picture of Sierra, Kate and I all holding hands. I put it back in the box. I turn around and I see all the boys feeling the holes in the walls. I run out of my room and down the stairs. I run out of the house and down the street. I run to a house that has dead plants in the front yard. I walk up the laneway and to the door. I ring the doorbell. I wait acouple seconds until it opens. I look up and see my worst nightmare.

" hey dad" I say.

" Tia?  What are you doing here?" he asks.

" I have to tell you something"

" sure. Come in" he moves out of the way and I step in. His house still smells like fish. He closes the door. I walk into the living room.  I sit on the couch. Dad sits beside me.

" Sierra is gone" I say.

" Dead?" he says.

" Yes. Gone forever" I said looking at him.

" How did she?"

" drowned."

" Oh. thats sad." he says.

" You dont care, do you?"

" well, Atleast I didnt kill her like I did with Kate."

" Dont talk about Kate. Please?"

" sure. Sorry" he says. I see a lady walk down the stairs. She looks like Megan Fox. But prettier.

" Uh. Dad?"

" Uh. Babe, now is not the time" he says. She sits on his lap.

" I should go.... Bye dad and his bitch" I get up and walk to the door. I look back. She is on him ggiving him a lapdance. That was fast. I open the door and I walk out. I close the door and I walk back to my house. I open the door and I see Cameron and Nash on the stairs talking. I close the door and they look at me. Nash stands up. He walks to me.

" Where were you?" he asks holding my hands.

" My dads"

" YOUR WHAT?!" He yells. He looks around my body.

" did he hurt you" he says.

" No. stop. Im fine" I get out of his grip. I look at Cameron.

" where are the others?" I ask.

" they went to get food. And your mom went to your Grandmas to tell her." Cameron says smiling at me.I dont smile back.

" So now what?" I ask.

" I dont know. I guess we sit around. Amd chill?" Cameron says walking into the livimg room. I look at Nash and he smiles. We walk into the living room. I sit on the couch while Cameron sits on the rocking chair. Nash sits beside me. He wraps his arm arouund my waist and I lay my head on his shoulder.

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