Stay close to me.

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Camerons pov

Sierra was making it to hard for us to leave without her. She kneed me in my sack! Sierra and Tia are sleeping in the bed together which is sorta cute. I look around at the other guys. Will is still driving.

" Have you had any sleep Will?" I stand up and walk towards him.

" Nah. But im fine."

" Ok?" I walk back to my seat. I elbow Carter awake.

" Dude. Im trying to sleep"

" I dont care. When are we getting on the bus?"

" I dont know."

" You are the one who bought it!"

" I told the guy to give us the bus. Its at The Mufflerman. Tell Will to drive there" he lays his head back down. I walk to Will again.

" Carter says the bus is at the Mufflerman. We should be there soon."

" Ok." I walk back to my seat. Tia slowly gets up and rubs her eyes. I dont bother to make eye contact. I hear her stomach grumble. I roll my eyes. I look at my half eaten sub.

" Do you want some?" I hand her the sub.

" No. Give it to Sierra." she slowly shakes Sierra awake.

" Tiaaaaaaaaa" she gets up slowly.

" Cameron is giving you a sub. Eat it" she looks at me and grabs the sub.She takes a large bite.

" Youre welcome" I say loudly. Tia looks at me.

" Thank you" Sierra says. I nodd my head.

" How old are you again Sierra?" I ask looking at her.

" Im 4" she says with a mouth full of sub.

" Cool."

" Tia I have to pee."

" Cant you hold it?" she shakes her head. Tia gets up and walks to Will. I look at Sierra. She looks a lot like Tia. Her eyes sparkle the same. Will stops the bus. All the boys jump up awake.

" Why did we stop?" Aaron asks.

" Sierra has to pee." Tia says picking up Sierra.

" FINALLY!" Matt yells as he runs out of the truck. All the boys follow. I look out the door.

" You guys better pee in the bushes! You dont want to cause traffic!" I yell  which makes Hayes laugh.

Tia's pov

I walked Sierra behind a bush.

" I know its not the best spot to pee. Its better than holding it in" I look away. I look at the boys who are peeing on each other.I look at the bus. Hayes and Cameron are talking.

" Im done" Sierra says pulling her pants up. I turn and look at her and smile.

" Ok come on" I take her hand and we walk back to the truck. Cameron looks at me. I pick Sierra up and I set her back in the truck.

" BOYS COME ON!!" Cameron yells. All the boys come running back.

" Can we get that bus soon?" Shawn says as he sits on the floor.

" The Mufflerman is about 6 mins away" Will says as he starts the truck. He drives.

" Can I play on your phone Tia?" Sierra says.

" Yea" I take out my phone and I hand it to her.

" Who wants to play Truth or Dare?" Jack J asks.

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