Get out.

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Tia's pov

I woke up and saw Cameron beside me. He had is arm around me. I slowly removed his arm. I got up and walked out of the room. I saw Nash sleeping in the hallway.

" Nash?" I say kneeling down to him. He gets up slowly.

" Oh. Hey Tia" he says in his sexy morning voice. I smile. He smiles back. I stand up and I walk downstairs into the living room. I see all the boys. And my mom. She looks at me and rolls her eyes.

" Well, the slut is awake." she says. I shake my head and chuckle.

" Skank" I said walking past her. She sticks her foot out and trips me. I fall face first.

" Ouch!" I scream standing up.

" Ha" she says.

" Fuck you" I say limping into the kitchen.

" WHAT HAPPEND TO TIA?!" I hear Nash yell in the livimg room. I smile. I open the fridge and I grab a water bottle and a pear. I close the ffridge and I sit on the counter. I open the water bottle and I chug. Nash walks in. I stop chugging to make it look like im not a pig. He walks closer to me and smiles.

" Hey again" I say taking a bite of my pear.

" Hey beautiful" he says standing infront of me. He opens my legs and he fits his waist in. I wrap my legs around him. He puts his hands on my neck. I put my pear down. I wrap my arms around his neck. He leans in and kisses my lips. I make circles on his back with my fingures. He puts his hands on my waist. I giggle a little bit. Our lips move softly. His tongue enters my mouth. He softly rubs my waist. I giggle even more. He unlocks our lips.

" Are you ticklish?" he says smiling. I nodd. He chuckles.

" we are going to have fun tonight" he smirks. He puts his lips on mine again.

We kiss for about 6 mins until Cameron walks in. Followed by Taylor. We unlock our lips. Taylor looks at me and sighs. Cameron gives Nash the look.

" Get off her" Cameron says crossing his arms walking closer to Nash. Nash turn around amd stands with his back faciing me. He puts his arms on each side off me so Cameron cant get to me.

" No. Cameron, all you do is try to  get my girlfriends. You only go for her looks." Nash says.

" Actually, you do. And she is not your girlfriend."

" Yes he is Cam" I say. Nash looks at me and smiles.

" Lets go Nash." I  hop off the counter. I grab my pear and water bottle and I walk out of the kitchen and into the living room. I walk up the stairs avoiding eye contact. Nash follows me. I walk into my trashed room.

" What are we going to do about your room?" he asks closing the door.

" Help me clean. Then we can kiss, all you want." I smirk at him. He smiles wide. I laugh. I set my water bottle and pear on the dresser. I pick up all the clothes I threw around and I put them in my dresser. We start cleaning.

- 3 hours later -

We are finally finshed cleaning my room. It looks better already exept the giante holes in the wall.

" Cover it up with posters?" Nash asks. I nod. I grab my largest poster and I stick it over the hole. I turn to Nash. He walks closer to me. He wraps his arms around my waist and he picks me up. I wrap my legs around his waist. We both smile. He walks to my bed. He lays me down and he crawls ontop of me.

" Just kissing, right?" he asks. I nod.

" No sex. Im to younge" I giggle. He smiles. He dives at my lips. We kiss. He sloppy kisses me jaw which makes me moan.

" Again?" A voice says at my door. I look at see my mom.

" Get out" I say gettting up. Nash sits on my bed. I walk towards the door.

" I knew you were always a slut." she says.


" Get out of my house. All of you. Even you Tia. I had enough of you." she says looking at Nash. Then me.

" What?" I say. She nods.

" Now. Pack your stuff and leave. I want you out before midnight" she walks away. I turn to Nash.

" Great. Im homeless."  I say walking to my closet and pulling out my suit case. I throw it on my bed.

" Babe, your not homeless. Live with us. We bough a condo 2 months before we kidnaped you. We have an extra room." he says opening my suit case.

" Thanks. But I dont want to cause any trouble" I say pulling out some clothes out of my dresser.

" No. You are living with us. If you like it or not." He says.

" Ok" I say. I pack:

30 pairs of my favourite t-shirts.

25 pairs of my skinny and high waisted shorts.

40 colour jeans

10 bras

26 pairs of underwear.

1 thong

" A thong? I bet you look hot in it" Nash says holding it up. I chuckle.

9 sweaters.

30 leggings

15 pairs of socks

3 pairs of slippers.

2 hair brushes

5 makeup kits

5 small bags of my favourite lip balms

3 tooth brushes

My life savings $1,967

2 purses

6 different pairs of my footie pjs.

9 tank tops and 7 boxes of Tamps.

" Wow. You have a large suit case to fit all those." Nash says zipping it up annd carring it downstairs. I follow. The guys look at us funny.

" My mom is kicking us out. Nash is letting me stay at your condo." I say  opening the front door. They all follow. We walk to the bus. Nash sets my bag on a shelf. Him I sit on a loveseat. Cuddling. Cameron amd Taylor look at us. Taylor bites his lip, frowning. Cameron rolls his eyes. I lay my head on Nash's shoulder. He holds me with his arms. I close my eyes and I fall in a deep sleep.

- 20 mins later -

Nash is shaking me awake. I slowly get up and I look out the window.

" This is a massive condo!" I say standing up and grabing my suit case. I pick it up and I fall to the ground trying to lift one foot to walk. Nash catches me before I fall. I look in his eyes and I smile.

" Let me get that for you" Taylor says picking it up and walking off the bus. Nash helps me up. We both smile. We walk into the condo. It is huge. But it smells like sweat. Nash takes my hand.

"YO TAYLOR, BRING HER BAG UP TO HER ROOM!" Nash yells. Taylor runs up the stairs. Nash pulls me up the stairs. I follow him down the hall. We reach a door that is wide open. It has white walls and a white carpet. We walk in and I am blinde by all the white.

" We can buy paint tomorrow. Repaint the room. Any colour you want." Nash says.

" BLUE " I yell. Nash laughs. I smile at him.

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