The Break Up.

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Tia's pov

After the lame fashions how, I ran into the bathroom and got back into my lazy outfitt. I walked out. I saw Nash and Cameron talking. Cameron looked at me and smirked. I sped walk into the living room. I see Jack G on his phone. I sit beside him.

" Watcha doin?" I ask leaning agaisnt him. He chuckles.

" Instagraming" he says scrolling to a photo of Nash and Cameron kissing. Obviously photoshoped. I start laughing out loud. Jack laughs with me.

" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHHAAHA" I stake a deep breath and I keep laughing. Nash runs in. Cameron follows. They look at Jack and I confused.

" LOOK..... AT.... THIS....... PHOTO!" He says laughing. He faces his screen towards Cameron and Nash. Nashs' eyes open wide. Cameron covers his mouth like he is about to puke.

" HOW IS THAT FUNNY? ITS GAY AS FUCK!" Nash yells. I stop laughing. Jack stops with me. Nash and Cameron looked pissed.

" Sorry...." I say. Jack continues to scroll. I sit there. Awkwardly.

" Where did the others go?" I ask the Jack.

" Upstairs. They said they were doing something important." Jack says.

" Did they say where they were?" I ask him.

" No, They just said they are on a mission to find something" he says. I stand up and run to the stairs. I run up to my room. The door is closed. I slowly walk towards it. I open alittle.

" Guys. Shhhhh, she could hear us." Taylor says. My mouth opens when I see them reading my diary. I swing the door open. Austin throws the diary up in the air because he was holding it. They all look at me.

" What are you doing in my STUFF?"

" It was Aarons idea!" Taylor says running out. All the boys follow exept Aaron.

" Aaron?" I cross my arms.

" Do you really think I would do that?" he says.

" No, I guess not. Who's idea was it then?"

" Obviously the one who made you take a picture of you in your underwear and bra and post it on Instagram. On Nashs' account."

" Taylor...... Jesus. TAYLOR!" I scream running out of my room. I run downstairs.

" TAYLOR!" I yell running around the house. I stop in the living room. 

" Where is that sick bastard, Taylor?" I ask. All the boys give me a blank stare.

" Thanks for helping me" I walk out and run back up the stairs. I stop at Taylor's bedroom door. I look at it. I turn the handle alittle bit. I open the door slowly. I walk in. I close the door.

" Ohhhh, Taylor" I whisper. I walk towards his bed. I hear the door lock. I turna round and I see Taylor smiling.

" Finally we are alone" he says walking towards me.

" Taylor?"

" Mhm?" he says getting closer.

" What are you doing?"

" Nash dosnt treat you like his girlfriend."

" Yes he does"

" Think about it." He says. I sit on his bed. Taylor is right. Nash dosnt treat me like his girlfriend. I feel tears form in my eyes.

" I guess you're right. But you're not any better. You're sick. And a perv" I say. He sits beside me.

" I know. I don't want to make you mine anymore. I did. But that was along time ago." he says smiling.

" So, you dont want to force yourself on me?" I say smiling,

" No." he says. I stand up.

" I will be right back. Im going to tell Nash....... the news" I say walking to the door. I unlock it.

" Good luck" Taylor says. I smile at hi. I walk out and downstairs. I walk into the living room. I lean agaisnt the door frame.

" Nash"

" Yea?"

" Can I talk to you?" I ask him.

" Y-yea. Sure." he says standing up. I walk into the kitchen. He follows.

" Sit" I say sitting down on the counter. He sits beside me.

" Sup babe?"

" Don't call me that anymore" I look at the ground.

" What do you mean?" He asks me.

" I think..... we should.............. apart." I start to feel tears lightly fall down my cheek.

" W-w-what?????????????" He says getting off the counter.

" Im sorry. It isnt working" I say loking up at him. His eyes are red. He puts his hand on his mouth then slides it off.

" Are you kidding me?" he says. I shake my head.

" Nash, im sorry. I really am. It isnt working between us!" I put my hands o my knees.


" YOU DON'T CARE. Y-you don't treat me right."

" I CARE FOR YOU 24/7! HOW THE FUC-. You know what. Nevermind. We are done!" he yells walking out of the kichen and upstairs. I lift my knees up to my face. I cry.

" Tia, whats wrong?" I hear a voice say from the doorway. I look up. Austin. 

" Nothing" I wipe my tears away.

" Something is obviously wrong if you're crying." he says standing at the end of my legs. I look at him.

" Nash and I.... are done" I try to smile. But I can't.

" He really loved you, didnt he?"

" No."

" Oh...... wow."

" I think you're awesome. You actually listen." I smile at him. He blushes.

" Thanks. Hey, can I get your number?" He asks me.

" Yea!" I say happy. I hand him my phone. He hands me his. I out my number in his phone. I put my name as The Bae.I hand him my phone back. He hands me his. I read his name.

" Pookie?" I giggle.

" Yea. Call em pookie anytime you want." He says. I smile.

" MAKE ME A SANDWHICH POOKIE!" I scream. We both laugh.

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