Rock Paper Scissors

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Camerons pov

Why would I do that to such a sweet girl. I used her. To make my best buddy Nash jealous. What kind of friend am I?

" Cam look" Nash says pointing to Tia, alseep on his lap. I smile alittle bit.

" Should we take her up?" I ask. Nash stands up slowly.

" Yea." he picks her up bridal style. Her arm falls down. I run and I lay it on her chest. We walk upstairs to her room. I open the door for Nash. When we walk in, we forget her room is a mess.

" Maybe not in here" He says walking out and down the hall towards the guest room. I open the door for Nash. He walks in and lays her in the bed. He puts the blankets over her. She gets all bundled up.

" One of us should stay with her. To keep her company" He says. I nodd.

"Rock, Paper, scissors. Who ever wins, stays." I say getting my hands ready. He gets his ready.

" Rock..Paper.. SCISSORS!" We say in sync. Nash gets Paper and I get scissors. Nash stomps.

" enjoy your prize" he says walking out. I look at Tia and I smile. I walk towards the bed and I lay beside her. Not to close. I hear her light snores. I lay my head down and I close my eyes. I lay my head down beside hers. I take her hand and I fall asleep pretty fast.

Sorry its short. I am super tired.But I promise Tomorrow it will be longer. :D

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